So many new words I can't list them all! Ratt...

December 13, 1999 by Jamie in Sam

So many new words I can't list them all! Rattle, water, truck, are among the favorites. He's a whole new boy with this walking around thing, and he loves going up and down the stairs (saying up down up down all the way!) He likes the lights on the Christmas tree, too. Fortunately we put the tree on a table, so he can't reach all those pretty "Balls".

Sam had his one year doctor visit today

December 03, 1999 by Jamie in Sam

Sam had his one year doctor visit today. The Dr. was AMAZED at his vocabulary... even taught Sam some brand new words right in the office. Sam is learning so fast, Adam taught him how to blow on the bubble wand as I sit here typing this. The unpleasant part of the Dr. visit was of course three shots (for the first time in the arm...which must hurt more than the leg because Sam really cried). Sam is 21 pounds (25th percentile) and 30 inches (50th percentile) and in excellent health. He has also weaned himself from breastfeeding and is walking. I guess he took this transition to toddlerhood thing seriously!

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Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium