Last night, Sam starting singing the "Itsy Bi...

August 24, 2000 by Adam in Sam

Last night, Sam starting singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song. After some practice, he could sing the whole thing through with occasional prompting, or half the song by himself. Whoa!

Well, Sam doesn't really see dead people

August 15, 2000 by Adam in Sam

Well, Sam doesn't really see dead people.

A few weeks ago, he started talking about someone named Dana. He talked about playing together, reading books, and other activities with Dana. Unfortunately, there's no one called Dana that we know (except for the X-Files character).

Jamie solved the mystery today. It turns out that there's a character on Barney called Dana. As soon as she came on, he started talking about her. Too cute.

Sam would not go to bed last night

August 09, 2000 by Adam in Sam

Sam would not go to bed last night. At 9 o'clock I put him down on the bed and layed down next to him, as I was so exhausted. He kept talking too:
"Dad?", Sam would ask.
"Mmm . . ."
"Mmm . . ."
"Dad sleeping."

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Sam's first words

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