While we were having breakfast yesterday, Sam...

December 23, 2002 by Adam in Sam

While we were having breakfast yesterday, Sam whispered to me, "I know what I want for Christmas, but it's not in Santa's bag." I leaned over, and he smiled a knowing smile. "What is it?" I asked. "I want to be a Jedi," Sam replied.

Sam seems to be really getting into the holid...

December 20, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam seems to be really getting into the holiday spirit. Last night, he wanted to pretend that Santa Claus was coming to our house, but that he got stuck behind the glass of our gas fireplace. It usually was resolved with Sam breaking the glass with his lightsaber, or Ruldolph pulling him up from the roof.

Sam's been really into karate lately

December 13, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been really into karate lately. He's only signed up for once per week, but he's been talking about it off and on. I've attached a picture of him in his new karate outfit, which he wore nonstop for an afternoon. He's also been interested in wrestling and fighting games lately. Oh what a boy he is.

Sam and Jamie went to preschool together this morning, as she was the helper parent for the day. While Sam was out on the playground, he was bit by a spider. He's fine, barely feeling it, though I think we're all secretly hoping he develops super powers.

Four years ago today, we were all gathered at...

November 26, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Four years ago today, we were all gathered at the hospital on Thanskgiving day, waiting for Sam to be born. He's well aware of his birthday, and all that entails. He was having a conversation with Jamie yesterday:

Sam: "I'm excited about turning four!"
Jamie: "What do you get to do when you're four?"
Sam: (thinking a bit) "I get to go to sleep by myself?"
Jamie: "Yep, that's true."
Sam: "Well, I'm excited about that!"

For months, he's been wanting a Han Solo Lego to make up for the one that was lost a couple years ago. So, I ordered one special from the Lego company, printed out some Han Solo wrapping paper, and it's all ready for him to open tonight.

I think tonight will be the first of several birthday events, with another on Thanksgiving and a third the Sunday after Thanksgiving. He'll be well sugared and gifted when next week rolls around.

Jamie reported a discussion she had with Sam ...

November 22, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Jamie reported a discussion she had with Sam the other day. I'm going to paraphrase a bit, as it's hard to remember it all.

Sam: "Mom, I don't want to ever die."
Jamie: "It's not going to happen for a long time."
Sam: "But when I get really old, I'll die."
Jamie: "Well, that's right, Sam."
Sam: "But superheroes never die."

He seems so young to confront his own mortality. Sam does seem to bring it up every once in awhile. I've been treating it as an opportunity to talk about how he should be careful and take care of his body. I suppose it's like being afraid of the dark. It's there, you can't do much about it, and so it becomes a familiar thing as you get older.

Sam's been in a pretty good mood these last f...

November 17, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been in a pretty good mood these last few days. We've had to start up the antibiotic eye drops again, as the eye goop returned to haunt us. He's not a big fan of them, so it's hard to do it.

It's been hard to get him exercise while the weather is so dreary. Plus Sam usually wants to play games on the computer. Today we stopped our Lord of the Rings movie fest to run outside in the rain. I think it amused our neighbors to see me in my rain jacket and Sam getting soaked to the bones.

Poor Sam seems to have an eye infection of so...

November 08, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Poor Sam seems to have an eye infection of some kind. He seemed fine, then when it was dinner time, he seemed especially whiny. Once he got up to the table, Jamie noticed an exceptional amount of mucus in his eyes. We've been giving him Tylenol, keeping them clear, and will watch him over night. He seems okay now, but we're keeping an eye on him.

Sam's discovered Morrowind, a computer game I...

November 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's discovered Morrowind, a computer game I've had for quite a while now. He likes to get his character in cool outfits and explore the landscape.

Last night, I was finishing up dinner and he wanted to play. So, he went downstairs, started a new game, typed in his character's name, and kept clicking on things until he made it through the character creation process. When I came down to help him out, he'd stolen almost everything from the starting location, from the dining room plates to the candle holders.

Sam's been into riddles and jokes lately

November 03, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been into riddles and jokes lately. He told one while we were out the library: "What room has no roof, no walls, no floor, and no door? A mushroom!"

Well, he was trying out new ones last night in the bath and said: "What's flesh colored, cute, and little?" I guessed him and he enthusiastically said, "Yep!"

We missed Sam's Halloween party at his presch...

October 30, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We missed Sam's Halloween party at his preschool last night. Sam was tired, Jamie had morning sickness, and I had a bad headache. So, we'll have to dress him up as a power ranger on Halloween itself and pass out candy to kids at the door.

He's been lots of fun lately - well behaved and funny. The Jedi Knight game has really caught his interest, and he goes around fighting the evil empire most evenings. I have to pry him away for exercise and such. We did have a good time swimming last Friday, and may try again tonight. It's sad that the Easter Seal pool is closing, as we've had many enjoyable evenings there.

Sam and I had a good time last night

October 10, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam and I had a good time last night. I came home a little early (prompted by Jamie), and improvised a couple new games. We played "Toss the Foam Frisbee", where a flat block of foam was thrown around the room. Later it became a shield to deflect bean bags. Finally, I chased him around the room with the Dirt Devil, trying to suck him up with the vaccuum attachment. Good times.

After dinner and some computer games later, we headed out to the park. Well, it was pretty dark, but that didn't dissuade us. We took a flashlight and ran around like the mad fools that we are. Sam found a massive dirt pile and played in that a bit. At the end, he led us home, finding his way back even in the dark.

Sam's been on a computer game kick lately

October 03, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been on a computer game kick lately. Every day when I come home, he'll be playing with Josh, then both of them will wander down to the nerd cave to play on the computer. He was really getting into Black & White a couple days ago, enjoying playing with his little creature. Last night, we fired up Drakan, but hadn't quite gotten to the part where we get to ride the dragon. Still, he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

I've given up on the age-appropriate software. Sam liked the Preschool software when he was two. Now it takes something like Grand Theft Auto to grab his attention. We also have lots of discussion about reality versus fantasy. Ah, the joys of parenthood.

Sam told me his dream this morning: I drea...

September 28, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam told me his dream this morning:

I dreamt I was Superman and there was asteroids falling down and I escaped from them and mom was following me and we went through a door and that's all. That's it.

At the coast Saturday, we went walking along ...

September 22, 2002 by Adam in Sam

At the coast Saturday, we went walking along the beach and came upon a dead sea lion. Sam looked at it for a long while, a strange look on his face. I checked in with him, asking if he was okay and if he felt weird. He said, "I feel a little strange. Kind of like when I was a baby." We looked a bit longer and I noticed a tear in his eye, "I kind of feel like I'm crying." We headed back and talked about the cycle of life. "I feel a little sad," he said. "Yep, me too Sam."

Later that day, Sam, Dave, and Josh returned to poke at it with a stick.

Over the weekend, Sam and I were in the craft...

September 16, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Over the weekend, Sam and I were in the craft room, and he wanted me to open up the window there. Well, it's complicated, as there's a storm window too, but I opened it up to show him how it works. While closing it, though, I accidentally wacked him in the lip. It started to bleed and he cried for awhile.

Later on at dinner, I asked Sam if he wanted to tell mom about the event. He put on a conspiratorial voice and whispered, "No!" I asked him why and he responded, "I don't want mom to be mad at you."

I dug out my MP3 player and hooked it up to S...

September 10, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I dug out my MP3 player and hooked it up to Sam yesterday. It was hysterical, watching him dance around with a funny look on his face. He was particularly fond of the Beastie Boy's Intergalactic, calling it the "alien song" due to all the funny synthesized noises. He ran upstairs to Jamie and announced, "Look! I'm just like a big person, doing the things that big people do."

I was driving Sam home last night, and the st...

September 06, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I was driving Sam home last night, and the stars started to come out. I taught him the song people sing when they wish on a star and he told me:

"Starlight, starbright. Wish I may, wish I might. Have the wish I wish tonight. I wish I was really a blue Power Ranger."

For some reason, he picked a blue Power Ranger costume for Halloween, even over things like Batman and Spiderman. I think it was the big sword that did the trick.

Sam's reached another milestone on the road t...

September 04, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's reached another milestone on the road to recovery: he wore pants.

Well, shorts actually. Jamie took he and Josh for a walk to the store, and he happily put on those most humble of overgarments. He was strutting his stuff like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Girls were turning their heads, whispering "nice pants." It was all good.

Well, I got a call around 2:00 today at work

August 29, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Well, I got a call around 2:00 today at work. Jamie was begging me to come home early. Sam was buck naked for a third day running. Evidently he's fairly sensitive after his surgery, and he doesn't want to have any article of clothing coming close to his groin area.

Jamie bathed him, and got off the bandage and a fair amount of surgical tape. Nothing really close to the area, so he's a bit swollen and taped up. Still, he seems in good spirits, running about the house like a maniac. Right now, he's watching a DVD while I type this up.

We all went for a family walk last night, and...

August 21, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We all went for a family walk last night, and I spent a good deal of time chasing Sam around Amazon park. He found a dandelion and blew it out while making a wish. His wish was "I wish dad would stay home and not go to work, just like mom does."

Sam and Jamie also put together a Spider Man comic book, which I've scanned in for everyone's enjoyment.

Poor Sam woke up screaming last night

August 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Poor Sam woke up screaming last night. We couldn't figure out what was wrong - he just kept crying and screaming for about ten minutes. Finally, he calmed down and said he was hungry. Strangely, he couldn't remember crying at all. I got him some milk and break, then he was off to sleep within a few minutes.

Sam's graps of abstract ideas periodically am...

July 30, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's graps of abstract ideas periodically amazes me. We were playing with Legos, and he explained that he didn't want to use an existing spaceship, but rather "make one with our minds." When I looked at him as if I didn't know what he was talking about, he explained, "your mind is the ideas you get from your brain."

I just had to laugh and tell him that I couldn't have explained it better.

When I went to the dentist last week, he reco...

July 26, 2002 by Adam in Sam

When I went to the dentist last week, he recommended that I get a water pick to hook up in my shower. It's this small attachment that, when turned on, puts out a fairly high-pressure stream of water. Well, Sam was fascinated by it, and kept want to play with it. Unfortunately, he's still only three, and wasn't very good at keeping the spray inside the shower stall.

So, being the resourceful dad that I am, I stripped him naked, put on his swimming goggles, and threw him in there with the thing turned on. Within seconds, he had managed to spray it up his nose. This resulted in giggles and screams, especially after he let go of the water pick. The water pick, once released, spun around wildly like a rocket out of control. Sam kept squealing and trying to escape from the shower, causing water to spray from the now-open curtain. Eventually, I got him out and managed to turn off the shower.

This entire experience was followed by great laughter and a trip to mom to tell the tale.

Well, Sam passed another milestone last night

July 23, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Well, Sam passed another milestone last night. Since he was a baby, he used a pacifier to help get himself to sleep at night. Initially, he had three, one for his mouth and one in each hand. Lately, he's been chewing through them and we've been throwing them out accordingly. Last night, the last of the binkies was destroyed, so he had to go to bed without one. I myself went to sleep at ten o'clock, when poor Jamie was still trying to get the boy to sleep. He's already been staying up late, so I expect some difficult nights ahead. Sigh.

I took Sam for a bike ride along the river Sunday

July 22, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I took Sam for a bike ride along the river Sunday. He decided to wear his Superman outfit, complete with cape. Virtually everyone who passed by had to say hello to Superman, which made for a very interesting trip. I think Sam was pretty tired by the end, as I mostly just pushed him along. It was hot yesterday, in the nineties, so we went home and ran through the sprinkers for awhile.

We were having a conversation at the table la...

July 12, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We were having a conversation at the table last night, when somehow the talk turned towards removal of body parts. We all agreed that removing your tongue is a bad idea, when Sam piped up, "Because your tongue has important things. Like your taste buds."

We were amazed that he'd picked up on that little anatomical fact, and quizzed him on where he learned it. "From Blues Clues," he replied. Evidently there is some redeeming quality of television.

Oh, and this morning, he looked at his two triangular pieces of peanut butter toast and exclaimed, "These are different angles!"

I think we're coming to the conclusion that S...

July 04, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I think we're coming to the conclusion that Sam is going to need to be circumcised. Though the topical cortisone treatment helped open the hole some, it appears to be closing again. Though I'm still nervous about the general anasthetic, it'll probably be good to get this finally over with.

Yesterday, I was scraping paint off a door in...

July 01, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Yesterday, I was scraping paint off a door in the basement and trying to entertain Sam. I had resorted to telling him the plot of the Ghostbusters movie, and had made it most of the way through. He interrupted, announcing: "The moral of the story is to not live in a town with ghosts."

Sam called me at work to tell me his dream

June 28, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam called me at work to tell me his dream. He was walking through the forest, and there were monsters with claws. So, everyone ran back home.

It's always funny to pick up the phone, expecting some business call, only to hear Sam's little voice talking on the other end.

While we were driving to the swimming pool la...

June 27, 2002 by Adam in Sam

While we were driving to the swimming pool last night, Sam and I were discussing what he wanted to be when he grows up.

"I want to be a dad when I grow up."
"Why is that, Sam?"
"Because I want to play with Legos all the time."

As soon as Sam wandered in to our bedroom thi...

June 19, 2002 by Adam in Sam

As soon as Sam wandered in to our bedroom this morning, he announced to Jamie, "Morrowind comes out today!" Well, he got the game wrong (it's actually Neverwinter Nights), but his intentions are good. We went to the mall yesterday to see if it's there, and he's evidently picked up on my excitement. After lunch, Jamie and Sam head to the mall on my behalf to pick up the game. Ah, the joys of having the perfect nerd family . . .

It's pretty funny when Sam tries to use the J...

June 13, 2002 by Adam in Sam

It's pretty funny when Sam tries to use the Jedi Mind Trick on me. We were playing with Legos last night, when he started to get grumpy and whiny. I told him I didn't like to play with him when he was this way. He looked at me pitifully, waved his fingers in front of me and said, "You will play Legos with me when I'm sad." I couldn't refuse.

Jamie just called to relay a story about Sam

June 07, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Jamie just called to relay a story about Sam.

She and Sam were playing ball in the back yard, when Sam's nose was accidentally hit. It evidently hurt, though Sam didn't cry. He responded, "I want to play with dad because he always misses."

So evidently my inability to throw straight isn't the liability I thought it was.

Well, not to get anyone's hopes up, but the c...

May 29, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Well, not to get anyone's hopes up, but the cortisone cream seems to be doing it's magic. The hole is wide enough so that he's not shooting a high-pressure stream randomly around the toilet. Jamie's pretty happy about that part.

Of course, this is part of my ongoing attempt to embarrass Sam when he's older. So all you future girlfriends, hope you enjoyed reading this particular posting!

Well, I called Dr

May 24, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Well, I called Dr. Mehlhaff yesterday and explained how we'd like to try a topical cortisone cream. I had put in a question via PeaceHealth's Ask-an-Expert system (a program I designed). It turns out that his partner answered the question, recommending Mycolog and saying that it's probably a good course of action. Dr. Mehlhaff sounded skeptical when I spoke with him, since he'd never used this treatment before. The cynical part of me wonders if it has anything to do with the fact that he doesn't get compensated for just prescribing drugs. Anyway, I should be able to pick up the prescription today. Hopefully it'll take care of Sam's ongoing issues.

We took Sam into the doctor yesterday

May 16, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We took Sam into the doctor yesterday. He had a little blood come out of his penis after he peed the other day. It looks like it was just a little cut or something, rather than more serious problems with his kidneys or something. It did, however, bring up the issue of his condition with the small opening in his foreskin.

I ran across a really good article, which talks about the use of cortisone cream to treat the issue. So far, no doctor has mentioned this treatment to me, and it sounds like the best choice. I'm trying hard to avoid circumcision, as general anesthetic has risks, and the post-operative issues seem uncomfortable at best.

I was driving Sam to the park yesterday, when...

May 15, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I was driving Sam to the park yesterday, when a van ran a red light in front of us. Fortunately, the Subaru has great brakes and everyone was fine. Sam and I did launch into discussion about seatbelts and how important they were. After a few quiet moments from Sam, he asked me if I was going to die. I had to explain that I was always careful, and I probably wouldn't die until I was very old.

Later at dinner, I was telling the story to Jamie. Sam interrupted and said, "I don't want you to die. Because who would drive me around?" So, evidently we're seen as transportation to Sam.

The other day, we were giving a bath, and jok...

May 01, 2002 by Adam in Sam

The other day, we were giving a bath, and joking around with Sam. Jamie was asking Sam if he loved her. Sam, being quite silly, was saying things like "Yes No". Jamie joked back saying, "Well, if you don't love me, I might as well go away!" Sam responded, "You can't go. We need you to make the new baby!"

So, evidently Sam's pretty clear on the whole cycle of life thing already. Though perhaps we've been a bit negligent on the whole "Women's liberation" thing.

Sam took a tumble down the stairs today

April 29, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam took a tumble down the stairs today. He had run up to get his blaster in order to pretend playing spies. He wacked himself pretty good, but miraculously recovered a couple minutes later. I think he'll have a bruise on his shoulder, but that's about it.

Sam continues to be endlessly silly. We built him a Lego scuba outfit for his bath tonight, which he thought was great fun.

Sam donned his gear last night, and we took h...

April 24, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam donned his gear last night, and we took his bike to the park. He seems to have a great time zipping about, and even managed to make it down a small hill by himself, applying the brakes as needed. He's getting really big, both physically and mentally. The other day, Sam made a cryptic remark:

"Sometimes I feel like I'm still in mom's uterus. It's dark, but I'm not scared. Because it's really just in my mind."

Hmm. Pretty deep.

I was giving Sam a bath last night, and he wa...

April 11, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I was giving Sam a bath last night, and he was upstairs in the one that has the jets. Now, the jets by themselves are pretty cool, but when combined with a bubble bath, they're a force to be reckoned with.

Sam cranked up the bubbles to almost overflowing and he stood up in the bath, covered in bubbles. He explained how he was doing an experiment to turn himself into a goblin, and that he had all the ingredients ready. The funniest part to me was hearing him carefully pronounce "experiment" and "ingredients". I have no idea where he picks up these things. Well, except from me, of course.

We were having dinner last night, eating spag...

April 08, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We were having dinner last night, eating spaghetti. Now, Sam's not big into vegetables, so I was explaining how he was technically eating vegetables, because spaghetti sauce had tomatoes in it.

"It's a fruit," says Jamie, who's correct from a scientific standpoint. I was about to launch into an explaination of how congress categorized tomatoes as a vegetable in order for the tomato growers to get a certain tax break. Jamie put on an exaspirated look and asked me why I was even going to try.

Sam simply asked, "Is it complicated and boring?" I shut up, and that was that.

Jamie called to relay this story to me

April 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Jamie called to relay this story to me.

She had given Sam his socks, then turned around to do something else. After a few moments, he called out "Mom?" When Jamie turned around, she found Sam had stuffed both socks into his shirt. "Look mom, I have breasts!"

Sam and I were playing on the bed the other day

April 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam and I were playing on the bed the other day. He started to slip off the side of the bed and I grabbed his leg, unfortunately after he hit his head on the wall. I asked him if he was all right.

"I'm okay. Just bumped my noggin. Good thing I had my skull in."

Sam's sleep times seem to have shifted about ...

April 04, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's sleep times seem to have shifted about an hour. These days, he goes to bed a bit after seven at night, and wakes up around seven or eight in the morning. It's strange to have the extra hour or so in the evening. Jamie's feeling it too, as she's been going to bed earlier just to keep up.

The evidence continues that Sam is going thro...

March 30, 2002 by Adam in Sam

The evidence continues that Sam is going through a growth spurt. I measured him the other day, and he'd grown an inch since I last looked. He's also been eating and sleeping a lot. A sure sign indeed.

Sam will sometimes get overly excited and shout out gibberish. My theory is that he has Tourette's syndrome, but just doesn't know any bad words yet.

We took Sam to the urologist this morning

March 26, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We took Sam to the urologist this morning. It looks like he has some scar tissue around the end of his foreskin, which is preventing it from being pulled back. So, it looks like we get to wait awhile and see if it'll soften and open up by itself. If it doesn't, he gets to have a circumcision.

I don't really have any deep philosophical issues, one way or the other. I mainly want to avoid doing any surgical procedures, especially ones that involve general anesthesia. Still, the doctor thought we'd end up doing it eventually. It's good to know what's going on, and what our options are. The doctor seemed like a really nice guy, so I feel fairly confident that Sam's in good hands.

Sam's been going through a growth spurt or so...

March 25, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been going through a growth spurt or something. He's been eating and sleeping like there's no tomorrow. On Friday, he slept 14 hours. Sam's starts getting noticeably wacky earlier than usual, a sure sign of sleepiness.

We're also getting quite fond of the recent potty training. Last night, he announced, "I have to go pee." I asked if he wanted me to help him. "No, I'm okay." It brought applause from Brant and Dave, who were over to watch the Oscars.

Jamie brought Sam to work, to trade cars whil...

March 22, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Jamie brought Sam to work, to trade cars while she worked out. Sam was fully geared up in his new biking equipment: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves. Very cute. When we got home, I managed to put the finishing touches on the bike that Jamie had mostly assembled and we took it to the park for a test drive.

Though Sam was a little nervous at first, we found a good flat place and proceeded to try it out. After awhile, he was riding around and playing racing games with me. Towards the end, we were practicing braking on hills, much to Sam's enjoyment. It was hard taking him home, as he kept wanting to ride.

Jamie made a wonderful dinner, then she was off to Victoria's for girl's night. Sam and I had a quick bath, then I put him to bed. It was a good day to be a dad. I love that boy so.

Sam woke up this morning and crawled into bed...

March 18, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam woke up this morning and crawled into bed with Jamie. Neither of them could get to sleep, and after a few minutes, Jamie felt a tapping on her chest. There was Sam, blood all over his face and shirt. Evidently, he had been removing mucous a bit too vigorously and he'd given himself a nose bleed.

Jamie cleaned him up and put him in front of the t.v. downstairs. I came up from the basement and Jamie filled me in. Sam didn't really want to tell me, as I periodically warn him about picking his nose.

I sat down next to him and he explained the whole thing. "I forgot not to pick my nose." I told him that it was okay and to be more careful next time. He was so sweet, sitting on the couch with a tissue stuffed up his nose. Very cute.

I downloaded this little program from the Int...

March 14, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I downloaded this little program from the Internet that allows you to view some of the monsters that you'll see in an upcoming computer game. It's pretty cool - you can rotate the creature, make them attack or run, and zoom in and out. I showed Sam, who proceeded to go crazy playing with his little creature.

Well, Sam rotated the creature so he was looking straight up from underneath. I was providing the voice over and ended up saying something like, "Argh! Fear me and my shiny underpants!" Sam thought that was hysterical and he couldn't stop laughing. Hmm. Maybe you had to be there.

Recently, Sam discovered this picture of Sadi...

March 12, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Recently, Sam discovered this picture of Sadie up on my bookshelf. It was taken when she was around thirteen, and she gave it to me as a gift at some point long ago. He's become quite enamored with her, remarking on how beautiful she is. "I like beautiful girls," he explained to me. Well, at it sounds I've got a good shot at grandchildren some day.

Sam's also been very good with potty training lately. We'll be in the middle of playing or watching t.v. and he'll announce, "I need to go to the bathroom." We'll wander into the bathroom and he'll say, "Just pee, not poop," presumably to let me know how to handle the situation. Man, could I get used to this no more changing diaper thing.

Sam's medical intrigues continue

March 09, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's medical intrigues continue. It turns out that he never had a urinary tract infection. When Jamie went to the emergency room in Newport, they ran tests, but no one ever bothered to look at the results. Later, they turned out to be negative. The doctor just prescribed antibiotics for fun. So basically, he didn't follow normal procedures, misdiagnosed Sam, and prescribed drugs unnecessarily. Ah, the joys of the healthcare system.

Sam's normal pediatrician wasn't as sure, and he told us so. Friday, he went in for another test for UTI, which was negative. They're doing a culture, but I suspect it will be negative as well.

So, Sam's going in to see a specialist in a couple weeks. He's doing fine now - no pain while peeing. It may be that he's just irritating the area while he learns toilet training issues. It could also be due to the opening in his foreskin is smaller than normal.

This entry will probably be endlessly embarrasing to Sam when he's a teenager, but it'll hopefully assuage all the nervous relatives out there.

Sam's been pretty funny lately

March 07, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been pretty funny lately. He made up a joke the other day: "What noise does someone make when they fall down?" "What, Sam?" "Bonk."

We also had a long conversation on how you can tell good people from bad. Evidently it's all in the clothes, although there's some complexity when good people put on disguises (e.g. when Luke wore a stormtrooper outfit). Also, if they have a weapon behind their back, they're bad, unless they're a police officer, in which case they're good. These things are quite tricky.

I think Sam is finally getting over his long ...

February 24, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I think Sam is finally getting over his long series of illnesses. His appetite has returned and he's going through yogurt and cheese like it was nobody's business. Yesterday he ate a couple pancakes worth of breakfast (though I think the syrup helped).

It's been very hard these last couple weeks, as he'd get wacky and destructive so easily. The contrast these last couple days has been amazing. We now have our good, polite kid back again. Kinda nice.

Now all I have to do is get over the last of this sickness myself, and our family will be happy and healthy again. Woo hoo!

"I have a funny feeling that I've never felt ...

February 18, 2002 by Adam in Sam

"I have a funny feeling that I've never felt before." That's what Sam said when he crawled into bed with Jamie last night. Jamie suspects it's because she'd given so much cough medicine to the little guy and he was feeling spacy. Poor Sam.

I think Sam is finally coming out of the last...

February 16, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I think Sam is finally coming out of the last of a series of lousy health problems. The latest was probably the flu, as I'm the only one who got a flu shot and also am the only healthy one. I think Sam's fever is gone and he is now just extremely mucousy. His runny nose puts many slugs to shame.

I just spoke with Jamie

February 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

I just spoke with Jamie. They made a hospital trip. It turns out that he does have a urinary tract infection, and he's now taking antibiotics. Sam himself seemed fine. I talked to him briefly, but he was more interested in playing with Grandma Judy.

Poor Sam appears to have a urinary tract infe...

February 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Poor Sam appears to have a urinary tract infection. He's in Newport with Jamie and her mom, and evidently he's started having pain while peeing. After some assorted phone calls this morning, it sounds like they'll take him in to the hospital for a urine test, then get him on some antibiotics. Hopefully he'll be doing okay in a few days. Poor kid.

Sam's been working really hard at potty training

January 28, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been working really hard at potty training. He has a slew of cool underwear, from Darth Maul to Batman. Every day for the last couple weeks, we dutifully put on underwear and keep a close eye on him the whole day. He's usually pretty good, remembering to let us know if he has to go. When he does, he can do the whole thing himself (well, sometimes he can't quite get the seat of his pants all the way up). We're still having the occasional accident, though. I keep reminding myself that urine is sterile.

We sat down with Sam to explain what's been g...

January 16, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We sat down with Sam to explain what's been going on to him. We told him that the new baby wasn't growing right, and that it wasn't strong enough to get big and come out of mom's uterus. "Why?" was his first question, which we tried to answer as simply as we could. "Well, let's have another one," was his solution. We agreed, deciding that Sam was probably smarter than the two of us put together.

Sam was explaining how a Lego spaceship we ju...

January 14, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam was explaining how a Lego spaceship we just put together worked. He talked about the elaborate relationships between the various engines, ending with "It's complicated."

The nerd gene is strong in Sam

January 04, 2002 by Adam in Sam

The nerd gene is strong in Sam. Last night, Sam and I discovered all the online games on the Lego site. He was instantly addicted, even though many of the games were too hard for him. Jamie called and evidently it was the first thing he wanted to do when he woke up, even before breakfast.

I picked up a couple cheap Lego games for Sam from a clearance sale that Amazon was doing. Hopefully those will entertain him for awhile.

We were eating dinner last night and Sam aske...

January 03, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We were eating dinner last night and Sam asked for some bread without any crust. "Here's the juicy insides," said Jamie as she handed it to him. "Mmmm, brains!" Sam exclaimed as he stuffed it into his mouth.

Yesterday, Sadie was over visiting

January 01, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Yesterday, Sadie was over visiting. Sam spontaneously moved his two fingers in front of him and said to her, "You will come upstairs and play with me." Sadie was initially confused, then I explained that he was using the Jedi mind trick on her. Needless to say, it worked like a charm after we stopped laughing.

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Splugger's YouTube

Sam's first words

Current Stats:

Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium