We missed Sam's Halloween party at his presch...

October 30, 2002 by Adam in Sam

We missed Sam's Halloween party at his preschool last night. Sam was tired, Jamie had morning sickness, and I had a bad headache. So, we'll have to dress him up as a power ranger on Halloween itself and pass out candy to kids at the door.

He's been lots of fun lately - well behaved and funny. The Jedi Knight game has really caught his interest, and he goes around fighting the evil empire most evenings. I have to pry him away for exercise and such. We did have a good time swimming last Friday, and may try again tonight. It's sad that the Easter Seal pool is closing, as we've had many enjoyable evenings there.

Sam and I had a good time last night

October 10, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam and I had a good time last night. I came home a little early (prompted by Jamie), and improvised a couple new games. We played "Toss the Foam Frisbee", where a flat block of foam was thrown around the room. Later it became a shield to deflect bean bags. Finally, I chased him around the room with the Dirt Devil, trying to suck him up with the vaccuum attachment. Good times.

After dinner and some computer games later, we headed out to the park. Well, it was pretty dark, but that didn't dissuade us. We took a flashlight and ran around like the mad fools that we are. Sam found a massive dirt pile and played in that a bit. At the end, he led us home, finding his way back even in the dark.

Sam's been on a computer game kick lately

October 03, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been on a computer game kick lately. Every day when I come home, he'll be playing with Josh, then both of them will wander down to the nerd cave to play on the computer. He was really getting into Black & White a couple days ago, enjoying playing with his little creature. Last night, we fired up Drakan, but hadn't quite gotten to the part where we get to ride the dragon. Still, he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

I've given up on the age-appropriate software. Sam liked the Preschool software when he was two. Now it takes something like Grand Theft Auto to grab his attention. We also have lots of discussion about reality versus fantasy. Ah, the joys of parenthood.

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Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium