I've been reading The Lion, The Witch, and th...

August 14, 2003 by Adam in Sam

I've been reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe to Sam at night. Afterwards, I'll lay next to him while he tries to get to sleep. This is a new thing since Emma was born, as he suddenly developed a fear of being alone.

Last night as I was reading, I heard a funny noise and looked up. Sam was giving himself hickies up and down each arm. I told him to stop and he asked me why. We got into a long conversation about how even though it doesn't hurt, it's still not a good idea to do it. This morning it looks like someone has beat him about the arms.

He also has a pretty bad cold, just like the rest of us. That, coupled with the Beach Boys blaring from the fairgrounds, probably kept him up so late last night.

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