Sam's creativity continues to amaze me

February 28, 2005 by Adam in Sam

Sam's creativity continues to amaze me. He developed this elaborate game involving drawing villages and armies, and then asking me questions about what I wanted do next. I'd tell him to build farms or defensive walls, then he'd scribble with his colored pencils. Finally there was a great clash with the enemy, usually resulting in eraser fuzz flying everywhere.

Sam's reading continues to improve as well. He can usually sound out most short words and easily read the book I picked for him last night. We have an arrangement where he reads a book and then I read a comic book to him. Pretty much everyone is satisfied.

This morning I took the kids to Costco

February 16, 2005 by Jamie in Sam

This morning I took the kids to Costco...not my favorite place to be with two youngsters, but a challenge I accepted considering the alternative, three hours in the basement! Emma did not want to sit down in the cart, unless it was while bouncing on the box of frozen sausage patties. Sam said, "Do you want to hear a story?" and proceeded to recite non-stop (and I am not exaggerating here) a story from his own imagination throughout the shopping trip, all the way home, while unpacking the groceries and doing laundry. Finally I had to insert my own "The End" when it was time for school! Now, Sam is at a friend's house and Emma is napping like Brant. Ah, blessed silence ;-)

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Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium