Sam went to his first soccer practice today

March 30, 2005 by Adam in Sam

Sam went to his first soccer practice today. It was bitter cold and rained for part of it. The grass was pretty high and hard to kick through. Two kids fell down and got kicked, having to be sidelines. Sometime in the middle, Sam's nose started to bleed.

When we packed him into the car and headed home, I asked him how he liked it. "Good . . . even though I was miserable for part of it."

I captured a movie out of part of the action, using my low-quality but handy new camera.

Sam had an exciting day yesterday

March 17, 2005 by Adam in Sam

Sam had an exciting day yesterday. After school, his friend Caden came over and they played non-stop for three hours. Fortunately Caden's a good kid and they played really well together.

After that, grandma Sue came over to whisk him off to dinner and ice cream. He reported having a good time, then it was a quick bath and off to bed.

It looks like Sam's sick once again

March 10, 2005 by Adam in Sam

It looks like Sam's sick once again. Jamie's kept him out of school for the last few days. This morning before I left for work, he reported that he threw up. He's always seemed fairly chipper when I come up, but Jamie says that he saves up all his energy for me.

He's also really gotten into the idea of making his own computer game. I helped him make a simple Neverwinter Nights adventure, though he didn't think it was long enough. Now he wants to start again, using the archtypical village destroyed by orcs as the starting point of the adventure. That's my boy.

Sam's had a touch of the illness that's going...

March 03, 2005 by Adam in Sam

Sam's had a touch of the illness that's going through our family, though fortunately not too bad. He brought home an award from school as well, for academic excellence. This is the third in as many months, whatever that means. We already know he's nice and smart.

The afternoon started off a bit rough. He wanted to play with the hose outside and I gave strict instructions not to get anyone wet. Sure enough, Emma got a bit soggy so I sent him inside, quite unhappy. He perked up when we watched Hero together, though he didn't quite understand the Chinese-style ending full of sacrifice and honor.

We had some time tonight, just hanging out together. He opted to leap off the couch over and over. I love that kid.

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Sam's first words

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Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium