Sam had a wart frozen last night

February 20, 2008 by Adam in Sam

Sam had a wart frozen last night. The now sell these kits where you mix a couple chemicals together and get the tip of this applicator really cold. You then press it against the wart for 20 seconds or so and theoretically it falls off a week or two later.

Sam was all excited to give it a try, and Jamie demanded to do it (claiming I wouldn't read the instructions fully). Unfortunately it ended up being somewhat painful and he's not very enthusiastic about trying it again. Hopefully it works and doesn't need another application.

After he finished his homework and was looking somewhat pitiful with his sniffly nose and sore foot, I asked him what he wanted to do in the hour before bed. "I want to go downstairs and program and have you help me." With a smile, I took him to the basement where we worked on the Lego Star Wars game he was making in Scratch. He's a chip off the old block.

Sam's been perfecting a punch-proof vest ov...

February 11, 2008 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been perfecting a punch-proof vest over the last week or so. The fun part is that he's enlisted my help to assist. I'm a little nervous, but we're following established safety protocols, and haven't had an accident yet.

He's taken a snow vest, reversed it, and applied multiple layers of stuff using duct tape. It actually works! I can give him a pretty good slug in the chest. It usually knocks him over, but he says it feels like being pushed down and doesn't really hurt.

This morning at breakfast he announced that he wants his own roll of duct tape for his birthday.

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Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium