We got a letter in the mail from Sam's school

May 31, 2009 by Adam in Sam

We got a letter in the mail from Sam's school. Evidently he had test scores in excess of 97% and now they want to conduct tests on him to determine if he should be in the Talented and Gifted program.

If he was either talented or gifted, I could accept it. But both? I'm not sure I can accept such a travesty.

Sam was playing Pandemic 2 last night, enjoyi...

May 06, 2009 by Adam in Sam

Sam was playing Pandemic 2 last night, enjoying it to the point where he watched a tutorial on how to play better. The basic concept is that you're a disease and your goal is to spread across the world. He was gleeful when he managed to wipe out all humanity in all but a few island nations.

The real irony is that he came down with some sort of cold later that night.

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