
November 28, 2015 by Adam in Sam

Sam is officially 17.  He's been surprisingly cheerful as of late and occasionally providing wise advice to his siblings.  Sam keeps getting better with age it seems.

Joanna found a brain mold and made peanut butter cheesecake for him.  It was appreciated.

Farewell Istanbul

August 05, 2015 by Adam in Sam

I Skyped with Sam this morning, late in the day Istanbul time.  He and my mom and returning home tomorrow, waking up at 3 a.m. and arriving in Portland around noon.

It sounds like they finally got the hang of Turkey over the last few days.  After seeing the sights of Istanbul, they flew to a coastal town to visit an old Roman city and swim in the Aegean sea.  Sam reports that he swam with fish and found a sealed package of cookies in the ocean, which was exceedingly tasty.  I think the two of them had a great time.

Sam In Istanbul

August 03, 2015 by Adam in Sam

I haven't heard much from Sam and mom in Turkey the last couple days.  I presume all is generally well.  They were talking about taking a flight to a nearby town for a few days.  Either way, they should be flying back Thursday assuming all goes well.


July 29, 2015 by Adam in Sam

I Skyped with Sam and my mom in Istanbul last night.  They were all adjusting to the time change, despite some calls coming into my mom's phone the night before.  They had a full day in Amsterdam, visiting a couple museums and seeing some of the more famous paintings.  For their first day in Istanbul they spent it at the Mall of Istanbul, which has cyclopes and apparently a cartoon explaining the roller coaster in the middle.

It was nice to see them and chat away, reassuring my parental worry.  Sam's learned the Turkish word for SALE so far.  They were up and drinking coffee as I got ready for bed.  The air is warm and humid, though it'll be hotter in Eugene today.

Today they head into the old city, staying somewhere that hopefully has WiFi.  After a few days of seeing the sights, I think the plan is to fly over to a coastal city, making the jump from Europe to Asia.  I hope they have a great time.

Knee Updates

March 19, 2015 by Adam in Sam

I took Sam into Slocum this morning where he was generally given a clean bill of health.  It sounds like his knee continues to be sore in some situations.  The doctor was a little worried about the knee cap slipping again, but thought that continued exercise was a good idea.  I suspect carefully pushing himself for the next six months or so will take care of most of the issues.

He did drop his team sports class for this term and expressed an interest in running.  Maybe I can convince him to go jogging with me on occasion.

Knee Updates

February 06, 2015 by Adam in Sam

We had some mostly good news about Sam's knee today.  The MRI results came back - he dislocated his knee cap, bruised his knee bone, tore some tissue, and damaged the cartilage a little.  Despite all that, the meniscus is fine and he won't need any surgery.  Next step is physical therapy once a week for a couple weeks and then every other week, returning to the doctor in six weeks.

Sam is thinking about dropping rock climbing, as he's not supposed to twist his knee.  He's also not going to be able to wrestle this season, so I'm not sure if he'll keep going to practice.  It might still be a good time to hang out with his friends, watch them wrestle, and do some upper body workouts and physical therapy.

More Knee Woes

January 21, 2015 by Adam in Sam

Sam's home sick for the second day today.  He has the sniffles and a headache.  I also took him to a specialist to look at his knee.  The ACL is likely good, but they're worrying about a torn meniscus.  We're going in for an MRI, and then back to the doctor's.  Swell.

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Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium