I'm slowly getting a handle on some of the mo...

February 08, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

I'm slowly getting a handle on some of the more mysterious problems that have plagued the beta release. For those of you having problems, here's a quick troubleshooting guide:

  • Make sure you're running the latest NWN2 patch (1.11). If you aren't, you'll need to repatch and restart the module.
  • Try restarting the game (e.g. export your character, start DW1, and choose "Jump to next module"). If you turn on debug mode before you talk to the dock master, I think you can buy a ship immediately (if not, leave the docks and come back). This can at least tell you if the ship buy problem was fixed.
  • Check your override folders and make sure there's nothing in there.
  • If you're running VISTA, make sure you run NWN2 as an administrator (right-click and choose Run as Administrator). If you don't, it seems that NWN2 can't create files in the temporary folder needed for a campaign to work. You can end up never getting permission to buy ships and other weird issues.
  • Turn on debug mode using the Game Options and try whatever's breaking. Sometimes useful tidbits show up in the chat window.
One of the people who was having the "can't buy a ship" problem, fixed it by patching NWN2, exporting their PC, and restarting the module. Hopefully that helps others as well.

I'm going to work on a new build this morning, hopefully cleaning up the last of the big issues. I'd made a silly mistake with the Tattooed Corpse quest, making it unfinishable. I still have unread e-mails I need to sort through and check for bugs.

Not much further.

Update: I'm not sure I'm going to get a new build out this afternoon, as it looks like there will be fixes I want to test tonight. Hopefully tomorrow morning will bring a new (and who knows, maybe final) build.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.