I made some really good progress squishing bu...
February 12, 2008 by Adam in NWN2
I made some really good progress squishing bugs last night. Without further adieu, here's a link to the most recent file:
Dark Waters 2 (full install)
You can also head over to the downloads section to the right to find the Lite versions as well as DW1. Here are the bug notes for the curious.
The biggest fix was a nasty loop in the "party keeps drinking" animation script that caused everything to slow down. I think there's a moral about drinking and coding in there somewhere, but it escapes me.
I also voiced the Mad Hatter. It's not exactly my best work, technically or acting-wise, but silence bugs me more than yet another NPC that sounds like me.
I was also completely unable to recreate the "I enter area X and the game crashes" bug after going through the Mad Hatter area. I really wanted this to be something I could fix, but sadly it may be part of the bug fixes for the upcoming NWN2 1.12 patch. Rumor has it that won't be out until the end of the month, which puts me in a weird position of either waiting or releasing, knowing that some people will have problems and blame my module.
For those of you who are manually patching to fix the GUI-related issues, you can find the patches here.
It's really weird being on the edge of releasing a module I've been working on for nearly a year (over a year if you include time spent on the prototype). With the first module, I pushed it out the door prematurely. With this one, I find myself having a hard time letting it go. Perhaps I'll see what the next round of bug testing brings and then start the final PR and release push if all looks good.
I'd also like to extend my thanks to everyone who downloaded the module to test it out. It looks like over a hundred people gave it a try. I really appreciate it.
Update: I'm getting reports of people fixing GUI problems and crashing problems not by reinstalling NWN2, but by installing the most recent version of DW1 (which you can find in the downloads section on the left). It's possible that there's still some junk left over from DW1, so the safest approach is to uninstall your old DW1, install the new DW1, and then install DW2. Hopefully that's the least painful option.