While it would be silly of me to hope that to...

February 29, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

While it would be silly of me to hope that today's release will be completely bug-free, I'm hopeful it's the closest I've ever been. I fixed over 80 different issues in this most recent build. A few were highly annoying, such as your cargo miraculously duplicating under certain circumstances. Most were milder, including typos and the like. Many were fixes to issues with DW1, and I'm happy that the first module is getting polished up as well. I feel I rushed the release the first time around, and some things weren't as stable as I would have liked.

I still have people reporting crashes when entering some areas in the game. The good news (for me, anyway) is that if the player switches to another computer, the crash issues seem to go away. Evidently there's something about certain computers that is causing the problem. I'm pinning my hopes on the NWN2 1.12 patch fixing things, as I'm not sure what else I can do.

Here are the links to the latest beta patches:
Dark Waters 1 (full)
Dark Waters 2 (full)
Like before, if it seems relatively bug free come Monday, I'll start the ball rolling on getting things posted to the Vault.

I did a podcast with the NWN2 podcast folks (I don't think it's posted quite yet). I mostly rambled on for a half an hour, though they did manage to make me do my Death voice for a short bit. They also asked me about lipsynching and installers, so I ended up posting my lipsynch/wav conversion utility and sample installer files over on the downloads page. For those rare few of you who fiddle with such things, hopefully you'll find it useful.

I might do a bit of work with the next act today. I still want to get Lute Hero a bit more polished. I think I was dreaming about it last night, so it's evidently haunting my psyche. Better nip that one in the bud.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.