Sam was very cute in his Halloween outfit tonight
October 28, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam was very cute in his Halloween outfit tonight. At the party, there were zillions of screaming toddlers in bizarre outfits. It was quite the unreal experience. Sam took it all in stride, munching on an alien head made out of Rice Krispies and green food coloring.
Sam and I went down to Amazon park yesterday
October 25, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam and I went down to Amazon park yesterday. Parked on the curb was a fire truck, and Sam proceeded to quiz me repeatedly on it. "Talk about the front part again!" Evidently, the firefighters had parked their truck and gone for a run on the jogging path there. They returned, to a much excited Sam, and gave him a sticker. To sum it up in Sam's words: "Firefighter gave you a sticker. Said 'thank you!'".
Sam had a great time at the coast this weekend
October 23, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam had a great time at the coast this weekend. Every time I'm away from him for just a few days, he seems like more and more like little boy. His sentences are getting complex and his imagination is rich. We went shopping today and he brought along a dinosaur finger puppet. He kept wanting to play with the dinosaur, talking with it, dancing, and generally carrying about.
Sam also clearly worships his older cousin, Josh. Josh is in 4th grade and is quite advanced for his age. Fortunately, he doesn't look down on his younger cousin. Sam had a great time doing whatever Josh was doing. Sam had a great time with the drill and trains and he'd even play with it by himself for long stretches of time.
Jamie fixed up Sam's Halloween costume tonight
October 14, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Jamie fixed up Sam's Halloween costume tonight. She made a tail for the leopard outfit (again utilizing her fast textile skills). Sam loved it, roaring about the house and getting into the spirit of the thing.
The holidays are even better with a kid. Sam's excitement is ever present in our household, and things like Halloween bring out his vast curiousity. He's seeing pumpkins, Jack-o-Lanterns, and costumes, and he want to know what they're all for.
Sam got a new Barney toothbrush today
October 12, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam got a new Barney toothbrush today. We picked it up when Jamie went to my dad's for her weekly bookkeeping job. Sam seemed somewhat more comfortable around the dental chairs, which originally introduced him to the concept of "scared". He even wanted me to move it a little bit (but only once or twice).
The three of us went on a little adventure to...
October 10, 2000 by Adam in Sam
The three of us went on a little adventure to downtown Eugene today. Jamie got a new watch at 5th Street and Sam and I played with pumpkins. He especially liked one display with decorated pumpkins. I'd ask him to find "the ghost pumpkin" or "the elephant pumpkin" and he'd dutifully point it out to me.
When I was growing up, I fondly remember all the various family traditions. Once I got into adulthood a bit, the thrill waned. Now I find myself rekindling that love for sugar cookies in weird shapes and scooping the guts out of defenseless pumpkins.
Sam loves playdough
October 08, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam loves playdough. It's his latest thing - he makes little snakes out of it and holds long conversations with them. He really likes pressing it against things and looking at the impressions they made. Unfortunately, it led to Sam having little playdough chunks imbedded in his entire outfit.
Last night occurred what only can be describe...
October 03, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Last night occurred what only can be described as "The Hotdog Incident." Jamie had given Sam some hot dogs (vegetarian, of course). He then proceeded to impale one on his finger and talk to it.
Sam: "Hello hotdog."
Hotdog: "Hello." (in a deep voice)
Sam: "Hello."
Hotdog: "Gonna eat me?"
Sam: "Okay." (eats the hotdog)
Sam is constantly surprising us with the use ...
October 02, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam is constantly surprising us with the use of language. He's extremely polite, often saying "thank you, dad". It gets funny when he wants candy - he'll say things like "please have one candy - that's all".
He's also really into playing pretend. He talks to his stuffed animals and expects me to talk back for them. The other day, he was bringing up a Lego to his mouth. I gave him a look and he quickly said "Not really eat it - just pretend."
Another interesting thing is his use of the word "scared". He often lets us know that he's "scared of the dark" or "scared of the moon". My favorite was "scared of the planet Venus" (we were looking at the night sky).
It's hard to believe that just a year ago, he was still crawling around the house. Next month, he'll turn two. It's been an incredible year.
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