Sam took a tumble down the stairs today
April 29, 2002 by Adam in Sam
Sam took a tumble down the stairs today. He had run up to get his blaster in order to pretend playing spies. He wacked himself pretty good, but miraculously recovered a couple minutes later. I think he'll have a bruise on his shoulder, but that's about it.
Sam continues to be endlessly silly. We built him a Lego scuba outfit for his bath tonight, which he thought was great fun.
Sam donned his gear last night, and we took h...
April 24, 2002 by Adam in Sam
Sam donned his gear last night, and we took his bike to the park. He seems to have a great time zipping about, and even managed to make it down a small hill by himself, applying the brakes as needed. He's getting really big, both physically and mentally. The other day, Sam made a cryptic remark:
"Sometimes I feel like I'm still in mom's uterus. It's dark, but I'm not scared. Because it's really just in my mind."
Hmm. Pretty deep.
I was giving Sam a bath last night, and he wa...
April 11, 2002 by Adam in Sam
I was giving Sam a bath last night, and he was upstairs in the one that has the jets. Now, the jets by themselves are pretty cool, but when combined with a bubble bath, they're a force to be reckoned with.
Sam cranked up the bubbles to almost overflowing and he stood up in the bath, covered in bubbles. He explained how he was doing an experiment to turn himself into a goblin, and that he had all the ingredients ready. The funniest part to me was hearing him carefully pronounce "experiment" and "ingredients". I have no idea where he picks up these things. Well, except from me, of course.
We were having dinner last night, eating spag...
April 08, 2002 by Adam in Sam
We were having dinner last night, eating spaghetti. Now, Sam's not big into vegetables, so I was explaining how he was technically eating vegetables, because spaghetti sauce had tomatoes in it.
"It's a fruit," says Jamie, who's correct from a scientific standpoint. I was about to launch into an explaination of how congress categorized tomatoes as a vegetable in order for the tomato growers to get a certain tax break. Jamie put on an exaspirated look and asked me why I was even going to try.
Sam simply asked, "Is it complicated and boring?" I shut up, and that was that.
Jamie called to relay this story to me
April 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam
Jamie called to relay this story to me.
She had given Sam his socks, then turned around to do something else. After a few moments, he called out "Mom?" When Jamie turned around, she found Sam had stuffed both socks into his shirt. "Look mom, I have breasts!"
Sam and I were playing on the bed the other day
April 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam
Sam and I were playing on the bed the other day. He started to slip off the side of the bed and I grabbed his leg, unfortunately after he hit his head on the wall. I asked him if he was all right.
"I'm okay. Just bumped my noggin. Good thing I had my skull in."
Sam's sleep times seem to have shifted about ...
April 04, 2002 by Adam in Sam
Sam's sleep times seem to have shifted about an hour. These days, he goes to bed a bit after seven at night, and wakes up around seven or eight in the morning. It's strange to have the extra hour or so in the evening. Jamie's feeling it too, as she's been going to bed earlier just to keep up.
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Shoes: size 11 Pants: 32 waist, 34 length Shirts: Men's medium