Sam let me know that I was the best dad ever ...
July 23, 2008 by Adam in Sam
Sam let me know that I was the best dad ever last night. This was after countless rounds of epic Nerf gun battles in the basement. There's something satisfying as a parent in unleashing a volley of foam darts at one's child. Most of the rounds ended in wild yelling, laughter, and the mock screams of the dying.
Sam's last fencing class was last night. I didn't have Emma, so I mostly just watched him the entire hour. It was fun, as he's become one of the better students in the class. He's got his parry and riposte down, and his footwork and stance are pretty good. Some day I'd like to join the Eugene Fencing Club with him. Maybe when he's a little older.
Sam was swinging on the hammock the other day...
July 09, 2008 by Adam in Sam
Sam was swinging on the hammock the other day, doing somewhat wild stunts. I think he was pretty tired, as it was late in the day after the 4th of July, so he was a little wonky. Unfortunately he fell off and hit his head fairly hard. At first I thought it wasn't serious, but after we took off some of the dirt, we iced it down and put Polysporin on it later that day.
The good news is that it's healed up nicely in the last few days and I think he learned a valuable lesson about the usefulness of being boring.
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