November 23, 2009 by Adam in Sam
I got Sam a remote controlled helicopter for his birthday. I think it was a hit as he played with it all afternoon. Emma really wanted to learn to fly it, so she got in some flight time after a few lessons from her brother.
Sam celebrated his 11th birthday with his friends from school today. His choice was to go to Roaring Rapids for pizza, video games, and general mayhem. Emma had a good time as her friend Natalie was there too. It's amazing how much fun a six-year-old can have putting quarters into a machine and getting cheap plastic toys coming out.
He'll have another party on Thanksgiving and yet another the day after.
November 18, 2009 by Adam in Sam
Sam was talking about school today and mentioned that he thinks the TAG program started for him today. He was pulled out of math and half of reading, and spent the time doing puzzles and comparisons. He seemed to think it was fun, and generally easy until they got to comparisons involving toothbrushes and forks. I'm sure it's somehow stimulating his brain deeply. Splugger's YouTube
Sam's first words Current Stats:
Shoes: size 11Pants: 32 waist, 34 lengthShirts: Men's medium