Well, I got Jenny's new computer all ready to...

January 11, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, I got Jenny's new computer all ready to go, but it somehow got vaporized after a few days at her house. Not sure what happened exactly. I suspect Darren did something that he thought would fix it (the Millenium restore feature), but it unfortunately restored back to a point a long time ago. Easy to fix, but I never got the on-board sound working again.

Fortunately, I had a spare sound card floating around. Easy enough to plug in. Now it's just waiting to be picked up again. They should probably get a new monitor too, the currently one only support 640X480.


January 06, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Mmm...Legos. Sam took this picture while we were putting together his Technic car. It has a little motor that turns gears and spins wheels. Kinda fun.

I'm still mulling over the Lego computer. I'm going to have a couple old Dells to fiddle with. I'm thinking of getting some large, flat, Lego pieces and gluing it to the sides and front. Less ambitious than the old case, but probably doable.

Well, I think my sister's computer is almost ...

January 04, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, I think my sister's computer is almost ready to go. There was a bit of excitement when it wouldn't boot up - the POST beeps indicated a video problem. I was freaking because my other AGP video card didn't work, but the PCI card did. It turned out that I just didn't push it in hard enough. Silly me.

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