The long and very grueling month of October i...
October 29, 2003 by Betsy in Betsy
The long and very grueling month of October is winding down to my all time favorite holiday, Halloween!!!!!! Will informed me today that although he is going to his first teenage dance tommorrow he wants to go dressed as a rooster.??? The kids don't have school on Friday, a teacher comp day, so we are going trick or treating tommorrow night in Thornville which is my kind of town because they have a huge Halloween party! They close the streets in town and turn the town over to trick or treating. Every business has a stand with food, popcorn and games, the firehall is open and they have games and candy, the bowling alley has open bowling with blacklights and decorations, and a good time is had by all ghosts and goblins. The adults have a blast, last year a guy dressed up as a ghoul and walked around town dragging chains behind him, when the kids would tease him he would whip out a small chainsaw(without the chain) and fire it up and scare the pee out of them.
Patrick has decided that he is wearing white shirt and blue jeans and the shirt says "This is my costume, deal with it!"
Tommorrow I jump into another year of my life, and after losing 40 lbs this summer, I am ready for it! The kids and I went to Normalville this weekend and worked our butts off. Everyone at Kemps/See-Mor Grill asked about the whole family. The elementary school is being added on to with a huge 2 story addition, and things are just normal.
Hugs to all, Bets
An enigma, that's what life is
October 02, 2003 by Betsy in Betsy
An enigma, that's what life is. I am sitting here with a dog on my lap, a cat on the desk, a dog behind my chair and a kitten tipping over the trash can. Yet we have a no pets policy. The cats are strays, one from the basement of a house formerly occupied by Venezulan alcoholic scholars, another from the farm. Of course my constant companion is Red Dog, Patrick's minature Dachound, rescued from some kids who were about to pitch it off a bridge. Life is an enigma.
I have survived another turnover, intact but very tired. Will and Patrick are wonderful people who are very loving and supportive. If we all could have people like them in our lives, the world would live in peace. Hugs to all.
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