Well, the 6 GB drive turned out to really jus...

October 11, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, the 6 GB drive turned out to really just be a 2 GB drive. I also had a bear of a time getting the network card to work (funny incompatibilities with the motherboard) as well as the hard drive (primary IDE controller was shot). Still, I managed to ressurect the beast and load up Unread Tournament. I now have three computers in the basement that can run basic games, and another upstairs if I had to. The funny thing is that most afternoons, there are three people on the computer. As soon as I arrive, Josh, Sam, and I descend to the nerd cave to play computer games. So, now we can all play together. A nerd's dream come true.

The nerd cave looks like a techno-whirlwind p...

October 10, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects

The nerd cave looks like a techno-whirlwind passed through. I've got computer parts strewn about. I temporarily gave up trying to run Linux. The picture quality of my t.v. card was pretty bad. I recorded a couple shows on my main computer just fine, and encoded them to DivX format this morning. It went from 3 GB to 250 MB, which was pretty amazing. Reasonable quality, though not perfect.

The Pentium III 550 that was going to be the Linux box now has a 6GB hard drive in it and is being transformed into a simple gaming box. I may send it to the beach, or perhaps to Josh's house. It has some issues, and isn't top of the line, but it'll work for most of the old stuff. I'll try to finish it up this week and figure out what to do with it.

Well, I got Mandrake linux installed on the n...

October 06, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, I got Mandrake linux installed on the new computer. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it runs at nearly 600 Mhz, almost twice what I thought it did. The hard drive was way too small, though, so I ordered a 60 GB one for $60 after rebate. What a deal.

Anyway, I'll probably reinstall on the new hard drive when it arrives, and try to get the PVR software working. Pretty cool stuff. It is weird having five computers down in the nerd cave now. It's living up to it's name, I suppose.

I've got Seraph and Robbie's old computer dow...

October 05, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I've got Seraph and Robbie's old computer down here in the nerd cave. I'm downloading linux as I type - soon I'll be as trendy as the other nerds out there. The tentative plan is to install linux and some t.v. recording software so that I can record t.v. shows and watch them later. Not sure if it'll work well, but that's the tentative hope. Otherwise, I'll probably take it to the beach for entertainment purposes. It'll go well with the other Pentium II 300's. Lots of old network games could be played on them without too much problem.

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