I finished F

October 31, 2005 by Adam in Adam's Games

I finished F.E.A.R. the night before last. I wasn't able to stop playing after I reached a certain point in the game, when the story begun to steamroll ahead and the scares kept coming. The ending was perfect in an homage to The Ring sort of way. Excellent use of creepy revelations.

The gameplay itself was primarily a great big gunfight with scary parts in between. The slow-motion was fun to play with. Hearing the enemies swear in slow motion as you ran in, guns blazing, was viscerally exciting.

Now it's back to working on my endless Neverwinter Nights campaign. At least we're starting to get some pretty screenshots and more information.

I loaded up Spellforce, which came with my vi...

October 17, 2005 by Adam in Adam's Games

I loaded up Spellforce, which came with my video cards. I wasn't expecting much, since my experience with bundled games has been generally poor. I'd tried out the racing game earlier in the day and while it was pretty, it was just like Pole Position from when I was a kid.

It turns out that Spellforce isn't too shabby. Sam quickly usurped my place at the computer and was having a good time going through the tutorial. It's very similar to all the other RTS games out there, but it was new to Sam. He fought evil orcs, created a base, harvested resources, and raised an army. Now he's finishing up the tutorial and will likely move on to the real game pretty soon.

I'm also waiting on F.E.A.R., which I think ships today or tomorrow. It's gotten pretty good reviews, other than being a bit short.

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