Happy Halloween! Although we didn't have many...
October 31, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Happy Halloween! Although we didn't have many trick-or-treaters, we still carved a jack-o-lantern. Yes, it is the death star.
Happy almost Halloween! Greg and I are going ...
October 30, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Happy almost Halloween! Greg and I are going to the symphony and a big sweaty dance party held by one of the coolest MPPers at a Cambridge VFW hall. It should be fun.
There are occasionally fall ladybug infestations in Massachusetts, and here is one of the speckled friends that was hanging around Heller this morning.
Game night Apples to Apples wins:
October 23, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Game night Apples to Apples wins:
Responsible: grave robbers
Hopeless: Cindy Crawford
Elitist: carnival workers
Graceful: chickens
Distinguished: Helen Keller
Oh, Seraph, that's wonderful! I'm very proud
October 22, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Oh, Seraph, that's wonderful! I'm very proud. Let Isa know that she'll make a great professor! As I have come to realize from leading weekly undergrad discussions, good teaching is all in the theatrical flair.
I am very, very slowly recovering from October. Regaining lost sleep is tricky.
I think I'm finally done with midterms
October 20, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
I think I'm finally done with midterms. Everyone in the program is so tired they can barely function and everyone has the flu, but teachers have finally been fed... just like zombies, they won't stop until they have your brain, in paper form.
Off to bed.
Adam and I moved game night to Wednesday this...
October 02, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Adam and I moved game night to Wednesday this week so Greg and I could celebrate his birthday. We have a dinner with his family tonight and friends on Saturday, so this was our romantic evening in. We reheated leftover tomatillo tortilla soup, made creme brulee, and watched The Great Escape (I usually request movies with at least one female character, but this was a birthday exception. He almost made me watch Das Boot). One of the funny, wonderful things about Greg's family's birthday traditions is that birthday boys (Greg has two brothers) get to eat an entire apple pie, generally replacing a week of breakfasts. He was magnanimous enough to share this morning, and there really is nothing like an apple pie with cinnamon sprinkled lattes to start a fall Friday.
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