Well, I took the final plunge - I crossed the...

November 26, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, I took the final plunge - I crossed the L1 bridges and overclocked my CPU. I had problems with multipliers over 12.5 working properly, so I ended up with a 1.67 Ghz machine. I bumped up the GeForce clock and memory speed as well. I ended up with a 3D mark of 4789 at 1024 x 768 with 2x AA.

Finally, I swapped out the noisy CPU fan with one of the quiet ones. The computer is much quieter. Plus, the temperature now runs at 45 degrees, even when stressed.

Well, the CPU overheating woes are now in the...

November 23, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, the CPU overheating woes are now in the past. The hole looks great, and we've put the Papst fan in the side of the case, right above the CPU. Even when stressed, the temperature hovers in the low 40 degrees Centigrade. Very cool. If I'm brave, I may attempt overclocking, though it would probably take a couple uninterrupted hours. Might happen sometime after the banister, before Christmas. The only downside with the new fan is that it's louder. Not sure if anything can be done about that.

Things are moving along fairly well with the ...

November 22, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Things are moving along fairly well with the Lego computer. It turns out that overheating is an issue. The main problem is getting the CPU heat out of the case. When I put on a heftier fan and popped off the case, it ran at a cool 40ish degrees Centigrade. With the cover on, running a CPU-intensive game, it runs up to the mid 60's. Not good. So, the solution is to cut a hole in the back of the case next to the CPU and add a fan. Hopefully that will keep the temperature way down. I've disassembled it and I'm hoping I can take it to my dad's shop sometime today.

Well, the components are together

November 11, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Well, the components are together. I had to file out the corners of the hole so the CD-ROM drive didn't stick. The hardware seems to work beautifully. I think my chances of overclocking it are excellent too - it posted at 1.7 Ghz without any problems. I'm still being careful of overheating. So far, it's fairly quiet too. Not silent, but with the case on, it's hard to hear. There's a video card fan that's a bit loud, and the hard drive is audible during certain operations.

The biggest excitement is with Windows XP. The internal DSL modem doesn't have drivers that work with XP, so I'm currently stuck with an Internet connection on my old computer. Internet connection sharing isn't working either, though I did manage to get a normal network connection between the two computers. I'll probably have to get an external broadband router/connection sharing device. I haven't done much research yet, so it may be another week or so until things are perfect. I couldn't get Max Payne to run either, though it may be because neither the game or the operating system has any patches on it.

I'll keep everyone updated. Even Seraph was curious about it.

I'm slowly getting the shipping problems sort...

November 08, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I'm slowly getting the shipping problems sorted out for my new computer parts. The correct motherboard should arrive tomorrow, but they screwed up on the sound card and didn't ship it until today. If all goes well, I should be able to begin assembly of the Fossil computer tomorrow.

Unfortunately, they sent the wrong motherboard

November 03, 2001 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Unfortunately, they sent the wrong motherboard. I called and got it straightened out. Hopefully all the parts should arrive by the 12th. Frustrating, but there's not really a big rush to get it all together. The sound card was back ordered too, so they'll probably both arrive at about the same time. Sigh.

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