Yes, no news is good newss

November 23, 2001 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Yes, no news is good newss. I'm with a new family I love.
I knocked off early to prepare thanksgiving for my family and Daniso's family, my programme assistant who invited herself over, but as she's my third mother, it was all good. Miles and I made two turkeys, rediculous amounts of mashed potatoes and squash and salad and Daniso even made apple pie, which was nice even though I've never even tasted anything like it before. Just Miles and I cooked the whole thing (cept the pie) and we cooked until 7:30, and then we ate until 10:30. My papa prayed so nice he said afterward he thought I was going to cry. I was going to- I was damn tired by that time, and setswana prayers always get me right there, you know? I wish you could have seen it. I love you all and your love came through, and I'm most thankful.

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