This picture was taken by Sam, which explains...
December 30, 2000 by Adam in Adam
This picture was taken by Sam, which explains the weird angle. He's pretty good at taking the picture (with help), removing the memory card, and putting it in the reader. Techno Kid extraordinaire.
Time for a bit of reflection on the year. Lots of cool science news, good computer games, and fun with the family. Most of my personal life revolved around Sam. His appearance made such a big difference to my family and myself that I'm still figuring things out. He's pretty amazing and I've really enjoyed spending time with him this vacation.
I really picked up with the computer case modification fun. I don't see that stopping any time soon. This year was the year of no television, as I didn't have time for anything except Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
There's lots of things to think about for the year ahead. We're tentatively thinking about a new house and eventually a new kid. I'm sure my gaming and computer hobbies will continue, especially as my interest in Neverwinter Nights grows. Lots of good movies too, such as The Lord of the Rings.
Great fun and Happy New Year to all of you!
I've been forced to see this "Zombie College"...
December 12, 2000 by Jamie in Adam
I've been forced to see this "Zombie College", and I must warn those of you that have any class, or a hint of taste, that it may not be the laugh-fest that has been alluded to. Remember that Adam does work in a cubicle, with most of the remainder of his time spent babysitting a toddler. Consider the source :-)
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