Karma came Back and Bit ME!
December 18, 2009 by Betsy in Betsy
A few months ago sister Meg told me that Sue had lost her address book while in England. I made the unfortunate comment that Sister Sue knew most everyone in America and at least half the population of the countries she had visited. Well that comment has come back to bite me as before Thanksgiving I "misplaced" my 20 year old planner, affectionately known by all as "Pat's Black Book". I still have not found it and have become extremely depressed by the possibility that it is gone for good. Could everyone be polite to me and email me addresses, birthdates, and phone numbers so I can begin the labor of reconstruction. My email is Pat_krgcampus@sbcglobal.net. Thank you one and all, and Merry Christmas, Betsy and the boys