My Resident Evil obsession continues

December 24, 2005 by Adam in Adam's Games

My Resident Evil obsession continues. I have a few complaints, mostly around some sections being so difficult that I have to play through a few times before I can succeed. Video games are made for video game professionals. Still, the number of save points sprinkled about keeps the stress to a minimum. This is in stark contrast to Metroid Prime, where I sunk 30 minutes to make it through a tough boss fight, only to die on the way to a save point with my health critically low.

I don't think I'll ever go completely for consoles. PC games have lots of advantages, such as patches, mods, and greater capabilities.

My current PC game is Civilization 4, which Sam and I were playing hotseat together. We were cooperating extensively, sharing our technology quite a bit. Eventually the unruly Japanese offended Sam, who had recently discovered gunpowder. A couple dozen turns later, he had rolled through the last Japanese city, renaming it to Conquored City 5.

Yesterday was a mini-Christmas for me, with R...

December 11, 2005 by Adam in Adam's Games

Yesterday was a mini-Christmas for me, with Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube and Civilization 4 showing up in the mail. Playing RE4 was a bit of a challenge, but I managed to hook up head phones so I could play while the kids were asleep. I only played for a few minutes, but the tone is distinctly creepy. I ended up having scary dreams about a haunted village. My only complaint so far is that I completely suck at aiming with the Gamecube controller. I keep missing at point blank range.

I've been having better luck with Metroid Prime. There's something simple and special about getting power-ups and doing boss fights. It's occasionally frustrating in a "can't save everywhere" sort of way, but I've managed to work around it so far.

Finally, I played Civilization 4 last night. It's very similar to the previous ones, yet polished to a shiny finish. I'm also falling into my normal bad habits, ignoring the military until a nearby civilization decides I'm easy picking. Right now I'm fighting off the primitive Romans, who actually built up a significant army.

I admit it

December 05, 2005 by Adam in Adam's Games

I admit it. I'm a console boy. For many years, I've stuck with computers, passing by the PS2s, the XBoxes, and the like. My last console was an Atari 2600, which played Pong.

Now I have a Gamecube in our house and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. It's was primarily for Sam, who seems to somewhat enjoy it. He's still adjusting to the controls and the twitch-based requirements and lack of ability to save anywhere.

Still, it's interesting. I've been playing Metroid Prime a bit, which is a different experience than on a PC. The controller is different, especially how it vibrates when you're hit or fall. It's also strange sitting on the soft couch, staring at the big screen.

I treated myself to Resident Evil 4, which is supposedly the best game of last year. I'm not sure how I'll play it. Most of my game playing happens after the kids are tucked into bed. It wouldn't do to have them trying to fall asleep while the screams of monsters lull them into dreamland.

Well, I finally finished up Fable

December 04, 2005 by Adam in Adam's Games

Well, I finally finished up Fable. The overall concept was neat, the idea that you start as a boy and you change your look dramatically depending on your outlook and profession. It was fun changing hair styles and getting tattoos. Unfortunately the main plotline was merely okay. I get a little tired of the standard save the world and avenge my parents sort of quests. I've lost count of the number of worlds I've saved and parents I've avenged.

Once the game is over, you can still wander around. I decided to get married and settle down. Since I had Legendary renown and was as attractive as possible, I grabbed a woman at random, pumped my arm a few times, handed over a few choice gifts, and got married. Here's a picture of the loving couple outside my newly purchased home. If you're curious, yes that is a pimp hat I'm wearing. I'll let you do the Google search on your own to find out how I got it.

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