Remember the Mattress Giant (see November 16t...

December 15, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Remember the Mattress Giant (see November 16th posting)? The Mattress Giant has spoken! The Giant "addressed the issue with Simmons, the vendor for the product, and the name will be changed as soon as a replacement product is ready. The anticipated timeline for this is in the latter part of the first quarter of 2007." Wohoo! My VISTA co-leader rocks my socks! MACC VISTAs, making the world safer for queer sleepers everywhere!

Tomorrow is my last day of work! I am so thri...

December 14, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Tomorrow is my last day of work! I am so thrilled to come home on Monday, and make apple butter, hang greenery, and buy electronica for small children! Last night was 15 Hall St.'s gift exchange and goodbye party for our friend Ven. We all pitched in and made Ven a quilt of scenes from The Little Prince, which was pretty neat. The best present by far was the titanium spork given to Janet by Mason, although Janet's 1930's logging documentary for Mason was cool, too. I am currently wearing a beautiful green scarf from Janet, and have a handmade, corn-filled icepack from Mason in the freezer. Ah, my roommates know me so well.

As some of you may have with your jobs, my VI...

December 12, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

As some of you may have with your jobs, my VISTA position comes with an extensively used (some may say abused) listserv. Today, one of the listserv members requested that we stop, or nearly stop, using the listserv. There was a groundswell of support for the listserv. In solidarity with the listserv, I wrote (and obviously emailed out) this ode:

I love it when you fill up my inbox with sweet nothings,
like there was nothing else in the world to do
but to remind me, in any way that you can,
each one stuffing in a question, a website, a frantic yawp,
that I'm not alone in
(as Paulo Freire and Myles Horton so beautifully put it)
making the way by walking.

Tomorrow is an office all-day retreat, so I'll be without VISTA listserv sweet-nothings all day long. Pray for me.

I wanted to share my Mitosis video, which you...

December 08, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I wanted to share my Mitosis video, which you can get to with YouTube:

We got our first snow of the season last night- we were all quilting away at home after my big retreat this week. This weekend I'm chaperoning a teen acoustic coffee house at the North Adams Elks Lodge- good times.

I am typing from Boston, preparing for a semi...

December 05, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I am typing from Boston, preparing for a semi-working retreat called Early Service Training (EST) with the VISTA crew. In some ways, this is the last big required training that Carly (my co-leader) and I have to plan until late June. Hopefully I'll be able to juggle being a VISTA leader and being an on-campus VISTA better. It has also begun to snow in the Berkshires, which marks the beginning of our hibernation season, so I'm not sure how I'll manage drivng out to Boston every other week. In real life, all is well- Janet and I are making headway on the quilt, and I just convinced my room mates to get a little Christmas tree. Ah, the holiday season of over consumption begins.

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