Computer Fiddling
February 14, 2010 by Adam in Adam's Projects
I continue to work on the computer situation here at the Miller household. Yesterday Emma and I went to the computer recycling place and I had her pick out a computer case for herself. Last night Sam helped me take all the guts out of the wood and brass case and put it into the new one. So far, everything seems to be working properly.
I'm also taking Sam's old Brass Zeppelin computer case and putting in a wireless network card. The plan is to put that one upstairs and hook it up to the cable box, as it has an old but functional TV tuner in it. Eventually I'll take my current main computer, put it in the wood and brass case, and hook that up to the big TV in the living room.
In a way, that's the easy part. More tricky will be getting all the heavy furniture moved around. One step at a time, I suppose.