Birth Plan [Updated]
February 13, 2015 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
One thing I realized after agonizing over my birth plan was what I missed entirely because I'd never been in labor before. Often birth plans are templates on the internet, and thus so bland or broad that a medical team wouldn't be able to remember or identify a woman's unique desires for labor.
These are mine, updated after the fact to reflect what I should have handed to the midwives and nurses.
Sadie Miller and Gregory Caswell’s Birth Plan
First, thank you so much for being a part of what will certainly be a life-changing experience for us! We chose the Midwives at Mount Auburn because we don't have to ask you to change routines to get infrequent vaginal exams, skin-to-skin contact after delivery, delayed cord-clamping, and all of that good evidence-based stuff.
We think you're pros, and we're going to do our best to do you proud.
Pain Relief and Induction
- We've prepared guided relaxation scripts, practiced massage, and learned alternative laboring positions. That's because, despite problems with an old tailbone injury and pubic symphysis pain, Sadie would like to do this without medication. Please don’t offer unless Sadie asks.
- Don’t worry, the labor support team is ready to apply fierce amounts of pressure and count out every contraction for twelve hours. You basically get a night off.
- If things are taking longer than expected, we're happy to go home before moving on to the hard stuff.
- Sadie can get easily overwhelmed, so we’ll try a darkened, quiet space first if labor is stalled.
- Thanks for offering an alternative to an IV for fluids and anti-nausea medication, even if trying to drink two quarts of liquid in ice chip form sounds ridiculous. It makes getting an IV feel like a choice.
Second Stage Labor
- If a room with a birthing tub is available, we'll take it!
- We're also excited to try the birthing ball, squatting bar, and stool to coax this baby into position.
- Sadie can't see a damn thing and would like to keep her contacts or glasses on unless she’s unconscious.
- In addition to her desire to have an unmedicated birth, Sadie would like her perineum treated like a prize race horse - hot compresses, massage, oil, and guided gentle pushing are all welcome.
- We'll try any position that feels right, and have practiced squatting, hands-and-knees, and side lying positions.
- Although my mother will be desperate to hear about your extended family in Oregon, please look at the woman who is literally pooping from exertion on the bed in front of you and take the chit-chat outside.
- If, during the final push, you notice that Sadie’s labor support team is staring silently at her body as it turns intermittently beet red and a clammy yellow, please ask Sadie to nod when a contraction is coming on. Then unleash the varsity cheerleader.
- If a cesarean is necessary, please make it as much like a regular birth as you can with your hands inside Sadie's abdomen. Sadie would like to hold and nurse the baby and have that miserable catheter and IV removed as quickly as possible.
Newborn Procedures
- Please take care of routine drops and pokes after Sadie and baby have some bonding time.
- Sadie plans to breastfeed exclusively, and is looking forward to meeting the lactation consultants four times a day.
- Please do not circumcise the baby until he's 14 and ready to part with his foreskin on his own terms.
- If the baby needs special attention away from Sadie, please let Greg stay with him.
- We welcome all other routine tests and immunizations.
- Sadie would like to pre-order the mac and cheese for after delivery.