
March 21, 2013 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, all you guys. I just want  you to know I love you all so much. I appreciate that you aren't prejudiced or crappy, sneaky people. All this is because, as part of my gradual escape from the clutches of the League of Women Voters, I'm now both the Membership Committee chair and the Fall Recruitment Luncheon chair. If this sounds counterintuitive, I can end my five year membership term at the end of June,'13. The Luncheon Chair doesn't have a term attached, and a couple of the members I have to deal with are such nasty unpleasant people that I'm going to quit the Luncheon Committee as soon as the Luncheon is over in September.

But whether or not I think two of the Board Members are nasty, what really bothers me is what I perceive as deep rooted, almost unconscious anti-Semitism. The most logical venue for this luncheon is Temple Beth Israel, which is amazingly beautiful and well suited for a lunch. The only dietary requirement which affects us at all is that we have to serve fish rather than meat. So the League pres gave me a week to put together a complete presentation for the Board today, which involved making many phone calls, asking a member of Temple Beth Israel to help with the food and menu planning, etc.. So I put that together, but then spent a frustrating hour at the Board meeting fending off incredibly stupid objections. Earlier in the meeting they hastily decided to spend $500 on something nobody had thought of before today's meeting. Then they nattered over $174 of my paltry budget endlessly. By the next Board meeting I have to have three catering proposals for $12 a lunch. I finally told them that the Recruitment Luncheon was the biggest event of the year (we had 20 new members from the lunch last year, the most of any of the local Leagues in the state.) , that they had just ponied up $500 without a faretheewell, but getting money for the lunch was like pulling teeth.

Thanks, everyone, for letting me complain. I think that the problem is that I move among such kind people that I haven't really had to develop a hard skin, so Racism and Anti-Semitism hurt my feelings so much. Many hugs, Mom/Sue


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