
March 12, 2010 by Adam in Adam's Projects

The seedlings are popping up quite nicely. We have nasturtiums, tosoi, squash, and calendula starting to peek out little green heads. I'm using these starter pellets that look like dirt sausages. It's funky, but seems to work pretty well.

It'll still be awhile before I can put anything in the ground. I have some lettuce and other greens growing at home, and I took those in due to frost worries. Now it's pouring rain so I'll keep them inside a little longer. Maybe by the end of the month the weather will cooperate.

I bought a couple soaker hoses for the beds, as well as bark-o-mulch to cover up the weed blocker. If there's a break from the rain sometime this weekend, I can hook everything up and make it look pretty.

The New Garden

March 03, 2010 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I'm working very hard to put in a garden this year. I've ordered four planter boxes, three cubic yards of soil, and have assorted seedlings sprouting away cheerfully. Yesterday afternoon after work, Emma helped me haul dirt, which we spread around. I'm not nearly finished yet, but it felt good to get started.

I also got some of the compost in there. I had this vision of opening up my compost barrel and beautiful black soil would drift out into my wheelbarrow. For starters, the wheelbarrow didn't fit. The compost was more like foul-smelling sludge with bits of twigs and dried leaves. Finally, I had to reach in and pry out they gooey mess, which was exactly as disgusting as it sounds. I hope the plants appreciate it.

Tomorrow night I hope to finish moving the dirt, and Joanna was going to send along some peat moss and vermiculite. I've also got to call the irrigation guy and put in a spigot to run soaker hoses off of. After that, I need to put down weed blocker and bark to make it all look pretty.

I'm excited to get some things growing in there. Hopefully within a couple weeks I can watch my little garden grow.

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