Fully Operational
March 31, 2020 by Adam in Adam's Projects
I took some of the money I got selling stocks in the brief window before everything fell apart and used it to buy a bunch of computer parts for myself. Yesterday the last thing appeared, a massive CPU fan, and I finished the assembly that I'd started a few days ago.
As is often the case, things didn't go smoothly at first. The fans turned on, but there was no video or sound (since my motherboard didn't have a speaker). After a tense few minutes, I figured out that the memory sticks weren't properly seated. Finally I got video out and pretty soon I was tossing in the hard drive from my old computer and things were booting up magically.
I did a little testing with the VR game The Lab and it was amazingly smooth. Hopefully it helps with some of the nausea I'd get when VR games would get choppy. I've got Half Life: Alyx all ready to go, which has been getting amazing reviews.
I also copied my hard drive over to the new and faster M.2 drive. The only annoying thing was that my Windows Activation decided my license was invalid, but fortunately I have tons through my job's subscription. I've got a bit of cleanup yet, but it actually all went pretty well and I overclocked the cpu a touch to get a little performance boost.
The next step is to put Duncan's old hard drive in my old computer, then take Duncan's old computer, slap in some old hard drives, and get that to Jamie's house for Emma's distance learning computer.