i fully approve of the lessons- i'm hoping fo...

March 30, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

i fully approve of the lessons- i'm hoping for some direction on how to make soup in five hours. i figure if i know how to make soup, i'll survive grad school. best to all,

i'm back from belize, without any flight comp...

March 24, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

i'm back from belize, without any flight complications, and even an early flight from chicago to providence that allowed an early arrival in northampton. smith is humming away- i have an engineering meeting in 45 minutes and a 20 pger to write by thursday- back to normal. i'm in a goodish mood, probably from the vitamin d and a little family face time under my belt. feels good to sleep in my own bed while dreaming of sunny beaches.

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