Ah! I just did my own taxes! I'm finally an a...

March 29, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Ah! I just did my own taxes! I'm finally an adult!
(From Jamie: Admittedly, this has impressed me more than any of your numerous achievements as a member of the grown-up club. What does this say about me? All too practical I guess. Way to go, kid, and may I say that we miss you around here!)

One more week without the college kids

March 28, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

One more week without the college kids. It's raining cats and dogs today, but Easter was beautiful. Thinking of you all.

May the thoughts of an athiest prove as power...

March 21, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

May the thoughts of an athiest prove as powerful as prayer today as I think and think after the Mellors.

Students are finally on break, and the weather is warming into a thick, soupy mud puddle. In honor of spring, beer cans and puke, frozen since Homecoming, are resurfacing on hills across campus. The grass looks splotchy and bruised, but not as dead as it could be. I'm wearing yellow in anticipation.

David Jacobs-Strain, a Eugege kid blues musician, is opening for Taj Mahal on Stuarday, April 2nd at 8:00 at the McDonald Theatre, and he blows my socks off. Check it out.

Anna is on spring break and driving up to Wil...

March 16, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna is on spring break and driving up to Williamstown as I type. Due to inclement February weather, we postponed our B&B anniversary trip, but St. Patrick's Day is the big night. On Friday, we're going to see Sweet Honey in the Rock at Mass MoCA and generally enjoying four days together. I have a slew of meetings and panels on Thursday, but other than that, things in the office are quiet enough to sneek away a bit.

Williams students are pushing through midterms at the moment. I'm a little antsy about the silence between projects. I'm in the very formative stages of pushing for a big HUD grant, which should be wonderfully consuming.

It's starting to be sunny, though snow's still on the ground in piles and patches.

And for the final final say in penguins:

I've had a great week, despite the blizzard l...

March 09, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I've had a great week, despite the blizzard last night. It's sunny now, and in honor of the spring that may someday come, I got a haircut. I also finally rented Manor House, which was wonderful and affirmed all of my lefty sensibilities.

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