Nyquil Weekend
March 10, 2025 by Adam in Family
I ended up getting the sniffles Saturday afternoon when I was taking Emma and Yvonne to the library. Pretty soon I was sniffling away and ended up taking Nyquil. I always forget just how spacy it makes me and I was zoning out for the rest of the evening and into the next morning. Fortunately I slept really well, which I suppose was the point.
Emma headed out Sunday afternoon to meet up with mom and Francis to talk over a trip to visit Sadie this summer. I headed to my office for some spring cleaning and furniture rearranging. I took out shelves, plants, and a chair to make room for a daybed I ordered that should be arriving soon. We don't really have a guest bedroom anywhere and hopefully this will do the trick. Plus everything is squeaky clean now, which is a good way to get rid of the winter doldrums.
Now I'm back to work, trying to get my Nyquil-addled brain into high gear to figure out some tricky problems. Hopefully I can sort through the last of these weird bugs.
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Still Alive
March 07, 2025 by Adam in Family
It's been a somewhat more stressful week than usual, between the critical feature I'm working on and the organizational changes going on to our team. Hopefully we find out more this afternoon. I made way too many mochas for myself all week - I'll return to my usual coffee on Monday.
In the meantime, I'm getting things done and working more than I probably should. I did sneak away for a tea break with mom and Emma, and Jo and I had a quick date night at Cafe Yumm. I managed to get some video game time playing Avowed for some fun fantasy adventure. This weekend doesn't have anything going on, so hopefully I can get a bit of downtime.
Our wayward son is coming to Eugene earlier than expected, leaving Albuquerque at the end of the month. I think the plan is that he'll stay with Dez and spend some time figuring out next steps. We've got a long list of projects for him, so at least he won't be bored.
Duncan and Emma are wrapping up the term - one more week of classes and then finals week. Wild that Emma's graduating in just a few months. And Yvonne turns 18 next month. Everything keeps moving ahead.
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Rainy Monday
March 03, 2025 by Adam in Family
It's a drizzly Monday, with a little more work excitement than I'd like. My manager and longtime friend was laid off Friday afternoon. It's happened to me before, strangely also with Jonathan back in my Health Catalyst days. It'll probably be several months of uncertainty as we muddle through, though I've got plenty of critical work to keep me busy and likely employed. I slept poorly over the weekend, worked a little here and there, and am back into things this morning.
As for the rest of the weekend, it was generally a good time. There was plenty of D&D. Saturday was a great time with the family group improvising a play that involved murdering a wind-up goblin doll with a giant mousetrap, along with a spray of blood into the audience. It was well received by the evil hag, as such things are. Sunday was the friend group, with fantasy space monsters and dead gods.
Emma and I made a productive library run Saturday afternoon, along with helping Jo a little on some tree pruning and straightening. Spring is right around the corner and it's exciting to see all the crocuses bloom. Can't wait to start wearing shorts again.
Giant Mini Time
March 02, 2025 by Adam in Adam's Games
It was back-to-back D&D this weekend and I broke out the biggest mini I've ever printed and painted - the Astra Dreadnaught. It was accompanied by a couple Star Anglers with LEDs for the lures. The battle itself went relatively well, with the paladin scoring a couple natural 20s and turning the tide. A couple of their crew members were eaten, unfortunately, though they rescued some stranded sailors from another ship and want to recruit one along with a dog. At least I made the players say a few words for their fallen comrades.

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