Happy in Mass

April 14, 2015 by Sue in Wielesek

This has been such a nice vacation. Simon is cute as a bug's ear, and it was wonderful to see Isa.
It still amazes me that my grandkids are all so nice. It just seems statistically unlikely.

When I got here, both Sadie and Simon had bad colds. Sadie said that Isa had been a real help, and I think that Isa really enjoyed her time with Simon. She had taught him Hi-Fives, which he has continued to practice ever since. I got to go see Cinderella with Isa, all of which made me wish that she lived five blocks away.

Sadie made a nice Orthodox Easter dinner - borchst, salmon kuliebaka, challah bread, and almond cake.  Some friends from Babies and Board Games came, and the couple who farm brought wonderful greens which they grow in a greenhouse year round. I also got to meet a couple of the Babies (cute kids, both, but not  nearly so cute as Simon, of course.) It's very fun to watch the things he can do. He's really mobile now, whipping around in Speed-Crawl mode. Just over the time I've been here he's gone from pretty shaky pulling himself up to only needing to steady himself with one hand. He is just never still. Greg is so patient with him.

Having to leave the day after tomorrow. Woe.

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