HI Folks, So much fun to read your entries

April 09, 2001 by Yayoe in Yayoe

HI Folks,
So much fun to read your entries. Good newz about GADzOOK.. "IT" is surrounded by all its mechanical friends (lathes, hammers,etc.)At night I hear the goings on in the garage. They seem to have some sort of weird heavy metal party going on until morning. Lohring's shops is almost done! The electrician has been very busy creating a lighting system that rivals a Hollywood set. We also found an electric furnace so there will be heat during the wild parties

Meadville: We depart for Meadville on May 23-28th. Sadie will be joining us there. Please do think about any stories or words you want us to share at Franklin's memorial service. Aloha/Shalom

Hi There, This is my first official posting!...

April 02, 2001 by Yayoe in Yayoe

Hi There,
This is my first official posting! Hope it goes well. Our new, non flesh and blood family addition is a 2000 pound milling machine called Gadzooks. Can you believe Lohring had to rent a crane to get it into the house! Darren, the crane expert can testify to that wild morning. Lohring's shops is slowly taking shape thanks to master contractor Darren.

I will be showing 4 of my paintings at PRN West at PeaceHealth Medical Group starting Friday, May 4th! Hope you have a chance to see my show, which also include another painter named Laura Effron.

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