Dorothy's birthday May 5th

April 30, 2010 by Yayoe in Yayoe

Just a quick FYI...Dorothy's 92nd (I think it's 92) birthday is on Wednesday, May 5th. I listed her address on my previous posting.

I'm still waiting to hear from Josh about when his family will be moving to their new house. He and Jodie's mother are doing the inside remodeling and hope to be done by mid May. We'll hop on a plane and visit when they are settled in.



Oakridge Gig, Saturday, April 10th

April 01, 2010 by Yayoe in Yayoe

My group, The Refreshments, will be doing a gig in Oakridge at the Brewers Union Local 180 on Saturday, April 10 at 7:30 pm. We just finished doing one in Yachats last weekend.

Gary Carl has offered us lodging at his new venture the Oakridge Hostel. On that same day NPR radio is coming to Oakridge to do a story about the community. They interviewed Gary and other residents in preparation for their story/feature. They will be staying at his hostel also also attending our gig in the evening along with half of Oakrdige. See you folks at Russian Easter. Looking forward to seeing all of you again!

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