Birthday #2

April 20, 2014 by Adam in Yvonne

Birthday #1

April 20, 2014 by Adam in Yvonne

Here's the video from Berry's first birthday.  She exchanged the Minecraft Papercraft for spy glasses.

Birthday Girl

April 14, 2014 by Adam in Yvonne

Berry turned seven today.  She's been excited and worried the last few days.  Usually she's bouncing off the walls, but she was strangely worried about not being little any more.  I didn't have the heart to tell her she's already pretty big.

Last night Joanna and I hung the Minecraft-themed Happy Birthday sign.  This morning she awoke to presents, which she cheerfully opened.  We'll have a bigger birthday party this Saturday, but it was nice to do something simple with just the family.  Immediately afterward, Berry and Emma ran downstairs to try out her new Nerf bow.

Good times.

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