Pillars of Eternity & Metal Gear Solid
April 08, 2015 by Adam in Adam's Games
I'm very slowly working through a glut of games. I go through them slowly these days, but they continue to be a fun bright point in my array of hobbies.
I'm towards the end of a Portal-like puzzler called The Talos Principle. It's fun, and has an interesting story, but I put it on hold to play Pillars of Eternity. It's an homage to the old Baldur's Gate games of 16 years ago, done with all the modern bells and whistles and a great non-D&D world to learn about and explore. I've sunk in a ton of hours and continue to have fun with it.
Sam's been working on his PS3 games he recently picked up, including having me go through Metal Gear Solid. I'm slowly getting okay at it, but am only halfway through. I may have to go bug him to let me play more tonight, as I'm curious as to how it turns out.