Sadie and Anna rolled in at about 7, having s...
May 30, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Sadie and Anna rolled in at about 7, having started in Montana yesterday. The plan is for a belated birthday soiree for Jenny tonight. We'll get Jenny to make her World Famous Tossed Salad and the girls will make lasagna. I always feel better when I know that all my kids are safe and sound.
We want more baby pictures.
Emma showed up so quickly after I got back fr...
May 30, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Emma showed up so quickly after I got back from Chicago that I didn't have time to say what a nice panahida service there was. However, the trip started out with really bad news. Baba has been living in a efficient, very pleasant apartment complex which has a section specifically for seniors; not assisted living, but with a lot of amenities useful to seniors. However, she fell on Friday and broke her hip. They couldn't do surgery on Saturday because of her heart problems, but did on Sunday, very sucessfully.
What this means, though, is that she can't live by herself any more. She was moved to a Rehab home late last week.
Anna and Sadie picked me up at O'Hare, and with nary a hitch got me to the motel. Betsy and the boys got in Friday night and Meg, Dick and Dad flew in early Saturday morning. St. Michael's really looked lovely; their iconastasis is particularly nice, and Anita had got flowers which brought out the background colors of the icons. She and John had a buffet at the house after the service, and it was so good to see family members and their friends.
The girls left on Sunday morning, and Betsy, the boys, and I went to the Field Museum on Sunday. I stayed on until Monday. The whole weekend was cheering, and I really appreciated the effort Anita and John made.
Fish is the answer
May 29, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Fish is the answer. Adam, didn't you see the article in the RG saying that in studies new moms who ate fish had fewer problems with depression?
Expecting Sadie and Anna tonight, I think.
Oooo, this baby is cute! Seraph and I went to...
May 27, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Oooo, this baby is cute! Seraph and I went to the hospital about 11 am with our waiting around reading material. Emma had a far different time schedule in mind. At about 11:45 the doc arrived, poked at Jamie a time or two, and announced that it was time for Jamie to have the baby. About three or four hearty pushes later, and Emma emerged into the world. She is definitely a mellow kid. Judy and Sam arrived about a half an hour later, and Sam sat around
holding Emma, totally entranced. Lohring and Yayoe came in
a little later, and general cheer reigned. Sweet baby!
The word from the hospital is an ETA of noon
May 27, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
The word from the hospital is an ETA of noon. Adam just called from the hospital. I stopped at the hospital for a few minutes on my way to work and they were looking cheerful. Sadie just checked in from Bismark, North Dakota -
all's well with them. Breathe, everyone.
Here's the plan for the weekend
May 22, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Here's the plan for the weekend. I fly to Chicago on Friday, where Sadie and Anna will pick me up. My dad, and Meg and Dick fly from Philly to Chicago early on Saturday, and fly back on Sunday. Sadie and Anna will continue on to the west coast and I'll fly back on Monday. Love, om
I pulled in about 1 last night
May 21, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
I pulled in about 1 last night. Talked to Sadie this morning. All's well with her, and to my delight, they are thinking about those mundane things like an oil change for the car. Who are the people reading this website? Seraph and I think there is an underground Baby Arrival Date pool.
Jamie, you can wait until Tuesday, when we are back from the Panahida for Dick. You can - you can. Either that or today or tomorrow.
Monday morning, and I'm in the middle of dorm...
May 19, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Monday morning, and I'm in the middle of dorm move out chaos
here in Anna's room. There's a 12 noon deadline, and I can tell we aren't going to make it by then. But I digress...
I got in safe and sound on Thursday night, or actually Friday morning after a very uneventful trip. The only eventful part was that I was completely unable to get out of the office on time and I got to the airport at 2 for a 2:30 flight.
Friday was fun - Sadie went off to rehersal early in the morning and I slept until 11. Then she gathered up Megan and a friend and we went for lunch and then food shopping.
Megan rooms in a Co-op with a good kitchen, and she and her friend Erin cooked a wonderful Friday night meal for us- Lohring and Yayoe arrived at about 5:30 and Seraph shortly afterward.
Saturday was chock full of activities - Anna was part of two musical performances, so we got to hear her truly lovely
playing. There was a program in the morning, in sub zero weather, which handed out awards. Sadie got to be named to
an honorary psychology organization. The day ended with the "Illumination" event, with hundreds of lanterns with candles strung along the pathways.
Sunday, Commencement day, dawned warm and sunny. After a tasty brunch, we headed to commencement. Although there were
protests of Madeline Albright's speech, it was a lacklustre
speech and a pretty tame protest, at least by Eugene standards (ie. no dynamited vehicles, tree sitting protestors, etc).
So now it's Monday morning, and we got to go over and see the apartment Sadie will be sharing off campus - really charming, and met her room mate Lindsey, equally charming.
Because of my own stupid fault, I won't be leaving until tomorrow afternoon. See you soon..om
Hi, I leave tomorrow at 2:30 p
May 15, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Hi, I leave tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. for the east coast. Talked to Sadie tonight. She is sounding good, said her grades were in her "target range" of 3.7, but then sniffed and reminded me that grade inflation helped her reach her goal.
Lots of sweet cards from friends. Very helpful...Love, om
A lovely Mothers Day surrounded by kids and g...
May 13, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
A lovely Mothers Day surrounded by kids and grandkids. Anita and John got us a "double 15 dominos" (Whoops, cursed by Dan Quale and potatoes) and we all played a version cobbled together from our childhood recollections. They went to Salem for the day to have lunch with a high school friend of Anita's.
Jamie had us over for tea yesterday, and Seraph and Robbie for dinner. Anita and John taught us how to play "Mexican Train", which should be a great game to play with Dez,and I
bet Sam will get it too. Isa just turned the dominoes into skateboard, and skated around the living room.
Think Baby Emma!
Just a quiet but heartfelt thank you to the f...
May 11, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Just a quiet but heartfelt thank you to the fam, and to all the friends who came today. I can't tell you how many people told me how wonderful you kids are, and what a great family I have. So Happy Birthday to Yayoe, and Happy Mothers
Day to all. Love, Sue/om
Memorial Service at 3:00 pm tomorrow (Saturda...
May 09, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Memorial Service at 3:00 pm tomorrow (Saturday) at Musgroves, 1152 Olive Street.
No flowers! In these hard times, make a donantion to the charity of your choice.
Memorial service is set for Saturday at 3:00 pm
May 08, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Memorial service is set for Saturday at 3:00 pm. As you all know, Dick didn't want any fuss, so we'll keep it short and simple. Musgrove's, between 11th and 12th on Olive. There will be coffee, crackers, cheese and fruit at Musgrove's, and Anita and John will have food at the house afterward for anyone who wants to stop by and help drink up all that vodka left over from Easter. Then we are going to stop feeling sad about Dick and start feeling excited about Baby Emma.
Anita and John arrived safe and sound, and we...
May 07, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Anita and John arrived safe and sound, and we scurried around doing the things people do so they are too busy to feel sad. Lots of kind words from lots of kind people.
Marsha is coming down tomorrow afternoon. Hooray!
Jennie swooped down, loaded Seraph and me int...
May 06, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Jennie swooped down, loaded Seraph and me into her wonderful SUV with the heated bottom warmers and drove us to the coast for the afternoon. We went to Mo's (where else) for clam chowder, and then to the South Jetty. We each wrote a message to Dick and put them into one of his
chemical bottles, glued in the stopper with crazy glue, and threw it so far that it would float to the horizon, where, as Jennie pointed out, the ocean turns into heaven. A good way to say good-bye.
We've arranged for a short memorial service at Musgrove's
at three on Saturday. Dick would be really upset if it keeps anyone from watching the NBA playoffs, but the funeral home guy just wasn't up on those things, so I'm hoping for the best.
Thank you all, for calling and thinking of us. om/sue
The nice nurses from the floor Dick was on ca...
May 05, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
The nice nurses from the floor Dick was on called just as soon as I logged off last night, telling me he was restless and asking for me, and could I come sit with him. He was failing rapidly from the tumors bleeding, and at about 1:30, died in my arms. The nurses let me stay on with him, and I had a quiet time with him. I think I'm pretty rational, not given to superstition or wishful thinking, but
I believe more strongly than ever in life after death, or perhaps that there is not really a boundry between the two in the way we think of them as different states. He certainly was with me then, and has been throughout this day.
It was a day of being grateful, for family and friends, and for the happy coincedences that meant that Raven and Cheikh
and Marsha and Mollie all happened to be in town and could stop by. I was grateful that I can take Yayoe and Hanni for granted, and that they would come armed with food against
grief. For Jamie, who must be so tired that a day of lumbering after Sam is the supreme sacrifice so Adam could be here. For Robbie, who must once have been the Playboy of the Western World, and now herds Isa deftly so I can load
Seraph with responsibilities. For Jennie, who remembers that
the world sometimes wobbles on its axis, and Sadie, who can say what I feel better than I can. For Anna, who dreamed that Dick came and kissed Sadie on the forehead.
For Reta, who I can cry in front of. For the kids' friends, and especially For Anita and John, who will give time and effort to make sure I'm okay. And a strange thank you - last night as I was posting, I realized that five people-
people I don't know, who sit in rooms I will never see - had
logged on to our page during the time I was typing. Who ever you may be, thank you. I am indeed protected by the silent love around me, and for that, I am most grateful. Love, om/sue
About eight this evening Dick and I were watc...
May 04, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
About eight this evening Dick and I were watching a movie
when he suddenly became chilled and started to have trouble breathing. We called Seraph and Robbie to meet us at the ER
and Dick was barely able to make it to the truck. Fortunately, the hospital is only about five minutes away. They did some tests and determined that he had blood clots in both lungs. We agreed that they should start him on blood thinners, even though a possible side effect is that
the tumors in his esophagus may begin bleeding. He will stay in the hospital overnight and come home tomorrow.
Fortunately, we met with the Hospice person on Friday afternoon. Seraph, Robbie, and Isa were their usual amazing selves. Isa is a wonderful loving child; they let Seraph bring her in while they were working on Dick, and she waved and blew kisses. Dick sends his love. And I do too.
Congratulations to Anna, and where in Africa ...
May 01, 2003 by Sue in Wielesek
Congratulations to Anna, and where in Africa is Benin? And what is the temperature in the summer time?
It's sunny and bright today, and I'll be heading home for the afternoon. I've been trying to see clients in the morning and go home in the afternoons.
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