Jamie's been complaining that the Lego comput...
May 29, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects
Jamie's been complaining that the Lego computer is being annoyingly slow these days. Since it's only a 266Mhz system, it's certainly understandable. So, I decided to bite the bullet and get a new system.
I thought a lot about getting a laptop, which would be nice for travelling with Sam. Watching movies or the like would be really handy. Instead, I opted for the $200 Duron barebones system. I'll throw in a new hard drive, and possibly put in the DVD drive from the black computer. That way it'll match the new black case I picked up. If I really want to haul it along, I can get a power inverter to plug into the lighter. If I'm brave.
I keep adding goodies to the Fossil computer
May 08, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects
I keep adding goodies to the Fossil computer. First it was a TV tuner card and now it's an extra hard drive. I recorded Frontier House to watch later, only to find that it took up 3 GB per 2-hour episode. Whew! Now I've got huge volumes of space to record things on. Very handy.
Well, I plugged in the flat panel display to ...
May 03, 2002 by Adam in Adam's Projects
Well, I plugged in the flat panel display to the upstairs Lego computer. It makes it look far cooler, especially with the wireless keyboard and mouse. The all-black look is fairly cool. Still, it's hooked up to a Pentium II 266, which is not exactly the zippiest computer around.
I may end up having to do a computer reshuffle at some point. The next obvious choice is to move the None More Black computer upstairs, making it Jamie's computer. The Fossil computer would be my main computer. The catch is that I use the None More Black computer all the time, for Internet stuff, as well as a second game when playing with Sam. Well, for now, things stay where they are . . .
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