Last night Sam and I were working on the robo...
May 19, 2009 by Adam in Adam's Projects
Last night Sam and I were working on the robot some more. The big challenge is getting it to support the weight of the new netbook and continue to move around. Our first attempt sort of worked but needed to be improved. I'm half-tempted to switch to tank treads, but we may end up with skids as the simpler approach.
The overall goal is to get it to be completely independent, moving around by itself in search of escape.
I bought myself a little toy, one of the new ...
May 15, 2009 by Adam in Adam's Projects
I bought myself a little toy, one of the new cheap netbooks. On the practical side, I'm hoping to take it on the trip to England. It'll make for a good repository for books on tape for Sam's Sansa View, and hopefully let me stay connected to everyone as I travel. We have a fair number of trips planned this Summer, and it makes for a good in-car entertainment system too. Plus it's cute and little.
On an impractical note, I'm thinking I can hook the robot up to it and possibly get it free from it's current cords and such. Maybe we can let it run around the play room or something equally silly.
It has a few problems at the moment due to a failed attempt to install XP on it last night. I think I've figured out the issue, though, and hopefully will get it ready to go this weekend.