
May 30, 2019 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I'm working on putting together an autobiography of sorts.  It started with just wanting to mess around with html and css and turned into the start of a collection of stories from my childhood.  Part of it is that Sam's been digitizing a bunch of things for mom and it ends up making for good material.  This is a work in progress of the sort of clips I'd like to sprinkle throughout the thing.

Fava Beans

May 28, 2019 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Towards the end of last year we planted a couple beds full of fava beans.  They're good for the soil, enriching with nitrogen, and keep the weeds down over winter.  Now that we're nearly to summer, they've become huge and it became apparent it was time to harvest.  I pulled out the stalks and plucked the beans into a barrel while Joanna chopped up the stalks and tossed them in the compost.  We then spent a half hour getting the beans out, blanched them in boiling water, then peeled off the skin from each bean.  Joanna sauted them with butter and garlic to serve with the rest of our Memorial Day dinner.

It was a huge amount of work, but it sure was tasty.

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