I sit in a steamy office so full of popcorn, ...
May 31, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
I sit in a steamy office so full of popcorn, canned soup, and ramen that guests must perch in the doorway and I must leap over a plastic bag of non-perishable surplus from the dorm collection drive. It will eventually arrive at the Williamstown Food Pantry. I walk to work on most days, so these things can pile up.
My 25th birthday plans are becoming more grandiose by the day. I'm having a BBQ in our back yard with an outdoor screening of Donald Duck in Mathmagicland (1959)on 16mm. Yay!
Anna just joined the Symphony Parnasis, a com...
May 23, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Anna just joined the Symphony Parnasis, a community orchestra in San Fransisco! She's playing Shostakovich's 5th again, and while she's played it three times before, the orchestra is both spectacularly good and everyone is spectacularly friendly. So it looks like she's really integrating into the San Fransisco community.
Everything is absolute madness with Where Am I?! leader training this week, but in an exciting way. Keeps me on my toes.
Seraph, you must see Thank You for Smoking, w...
May 21, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Seraph, you must see Thank You for Smoking, which is the most smart and hilarious film I've seen all year, and involves the main character kidnapped and covered in nicotine patches. But that's not even close to the funniest part of the film.
I am re-reading The Lathe of Heaven by Ursala K. LeGuin, which is so phenomenally good and uncanny in its forecasts that I would also require all to read (or re-read!) it. On pg. 49 in the Avon paperback version, there's a mention of the president's "happy faculty for fouling a quotation." I wanted to laugh out loud in the coffee shop. And bits about Afghanistan and global warming that make me shudder.
I'm off to Northampton to have lunch with friends that are there for their 2nd reunion. Oh, how time flies.
Yes, yes, happy birthday to Anna!
I have ...
May 16, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Yes, yes, happy birthday to Anna!
I have my Americorps VISTA leader interview on Thursday, forcing me to re-read all of this apologetic service-learning theory. Is there a more self-deprecating discipline than "service-learning?"
Everyone else in the world believes that service is infallible. But the bleeding heart academics that actually do service-learning flog themselves for promoting oppressive power dynamics between the campus and community. Sigh. I, of course, love it.
We're having a late May downpour this week. It keeps the caterpillar population from getting too cocky.
The end of the semester is upon us! Oh, how I...
May 09, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
The end of the semester is upon us! Oh, how I weep at the leaving of my favorite seniors, the stress of spring trainings, and the joy of having the entire campus covered in Eastern Tent caterpillars, or scum from heaven, as they are commonly known on campus. Students have begun to chalk caterpillar epitaphs across the walkways, and overheard popped-collar conversations have been replaced with hateful caterpillar diatribes. I was talking to the president last night, and even he, the year-round tie and v-neck sweater wearing king of prep, was undone by their presence. I've never seen the campus so uncomposed, screaming like little boys as they duck from the spindly caterpillar masses parachuting from the trees. It's a little satisfying, actually...
Last night was the Campus Life Awards, a mome...
May 05, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Last night was the Campus Life Awards, a moment at the end of the semester when us staff get to say nice speeches about the most active, committed, and all-around lovely students on campus. I brought home a huge bouquet from the chocolate covered strawberry and truffle table. While splitting the mound of exotic flowers into manageable arrangements for our tiny apartment, I decided to chew on the tip of a succulent palm. Note to our loyal readers: DO NOT CHEW ON UNKNOWN PLANTS, even if they come from a flower shop. I spent the rest of the night with a mouthful of ice, weeping at my stupidity and attending to my swollen tongue, mouth, and throat. It's the people like me that make life interesting for ER staff.
And congrats to Seraph!
This Sunday, Janet convinced me to attend a t...
May 02, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
This Sunday, Janet convinced me to attend a two and a half hour yoga workshop with her, titled "Sowing Seeds in the Souls Deep Soil." I suppose the title "Ripping your Muscles Apart and Making You Like It" was already taken. Anyway, I can move again, but continue to grimice when attempting to sit. I didn't think my ribs could hurt this much from "expanding opportunity in my heart." But it was pretty cool to feel the bones in my spine loosen beyond logical understanding when I pretended to be a sunflower. Yeah.
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