Wait until Sam and Emma start doing Mr

June 29, 2006 by Sue in Wielesek

Wait until Sam and Emma start doing Mr. Bill!
Are our East Coast family and friends okay?

It's been busy busy here, trying to finish up...

June 29, 2006 by Sue in Wielesek

It's been busy busy here, trying to finish up wills before
clients go off on holiday and get killed (cheerful thought) and trying to get the order done in the case I just tried before the judge kills me! I just saw the headline that they
found the tomb of King Tut's mom. No matter how sleazy the
present military-industrial-political power structure is, I
think of the last 100 years as times of incredible scientific advance. Grandma and Grandpa Steane, Muriel and Clare came from England 100 years ago the only way possible, by ship. When Lohring and I were married in 1963
we couldn't buy birth control in Connecticut (all birth control was against state law), and birth control pills didn't exist until a couple years later. An amazing time!

A lovely Friday morning, and much love to all...

June 23, 2006 by Sue in Wielesek

A lovely Friday morning, and much love to all! I had a delightful breakfast with Adam, still on holiday, and am going to see Cars with Jenny and the boys this afternoon.
Who says I need a Mercedes and diamonds to have a good life?

This is definitely a belated posting

June 19, 2006 by Sue in Wielesek

This is definitely a belated posting.First, the Memorial Service for Dad was quite lovely. Seraph and I left bright and early on Friday morning, and the rest of the weekend unfolded with surprising precision. We met Meg, Dick and the girls at the Philadelphia airport, waiting with to-go dinners for us. About an hour's drive west of Philadelphia,
we stopped at a tiny town called Boiling Springs, where we
picked up Callie's very nice boy-friend, Will, who has been
hiking the Appalachia trail from Georgia to Maine, and drove on to Donegal. Anita and John had arrived earlier, and
we all made plans to get together with the rest of the family at the coffee shop in Normalville the next morning.
It was a merry gathering, with cousin Ann, Alan, Alan's wife Jeanne, and all rabbits friends and relations. The
service was very nice - with funny stories by Dad's sailing
buddies, sweet stories from Margie, Julie, and local friends, and a nice biography from Meg and a reading from
Betsy. I couldn't remember the name of the Rudyard Kipling
poem, but was able to fake it well enough to recite it; the one which ends "Home is the sailor, home from the sea, and the hunter, home from the hill." The church ladies fixed a nice lunch for after the service, and we then retired to the house to visit longer. We all got together once more on
Sunday morning in Donegal, and then regretfully said our good-byes. We drove back to Philadelphia, stopping in Boiling Springs to see the end of their Memorial Day parade and watch their Memorial Day service. At the risk of offending you, gentle readers, I hate this war, much as I hated the Viet Nam war. I want our troops home now.
Anyhow, Seraph and I had a good flight back; I bought her "The Devil Wore Prada", a really fun read.
Once back, I plunged into preparation for trial. I had to co-ordinate three expert witnesses and a witness from the local child welfare agency, all of whom were clear and competent in their reports and testimony. In domestic relations cases, it's rare to have a good side and a bad side, because people usually bumble along and do their best, or lie because of the way they view a situation. But in this case, I had right, truth and justice on my side, and the person on the other was either a liar, liar, pants on fire, or crazy. The judge gave us everything we asked for and more.
This weekend was fun but busy, with Anna's graduation from the U of O. It started out with the Phi Beta Kappa breakfast
(how come I'm so lucky as to be surrounded by all these smart kids!) and then the History Department graduation, at
which Anna was a speaker. Bob and Deb hosted an open house at Deb's in the afternoon - lots of family and friends, and very nice. I had brunch for Bob and the kids on Sunday morning, and then Yayoe, Hanni and I, all looking quite stylish ourselves, went up to Portland to the Fashion show which Seraph's school puts on. Isa modeled for the second
year, and did a fine job. Then home, and to bed, not a moment too soon. Love to all, mom

We kicked major booty

June 16, 2006 by Sue in Wielesek

We kicked major booty. Heh, heh, heh.

Just a quick note

June 13, 2006 by Sue in Wielesek

Just a quick note. I am working late but about ready to leave the office. I'm in the middle of what I hope will be my last appearance ever in a court room. I'm going into the fourth day of trial, which I'm doing pro bono. It looks as though right and truth are going to prevail!

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