Birthday Party

June 29, 2013 by Adam in Duncan

Duncan had his 8th birthday party last weekend, and I finally got around to assembling the video.  We rented the little house at Washington park and all his friends came to enjoy the playground, eat cake, and participate in an made-up-on-the-spot Wizard 101 game.

The next morning we had a family present opening, which was somewhat more subdued.

Duncan wiggle bottom

June 10, 2013 by Joanna in Duncan

Lest Duncan discover this blog and count the number of videos of Berry and find his video highlights lacking, here are a couple of videos of him from the assembly today.

This first is his second grade class performance. I'm not really sure what they're saying. It's a bunch of classes performing a medley of songs in French that somehow relate to Charlemagne, their school. That's his teacher on electric guitar.

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Vermin in the Garden

June 09, 2013 by Adam in Duncan

One of the great things about having a garden is that the kids feel free to pick goodies and gobble up fresh food.  Yesterday Duncan discovered that the raspberries were finally ripe.

Yesterday he also played D&D with Emma, I taught him to play Magic the Gathering, and he asked me to set up a public Minecraft server.  The nerd is strong with this one.

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