Swings and Chickens
July 19, 2010 by Adam in Adam's Projects
In between birthday festivities, we managed to coordinate a few house projects. The first was the arrival of the chickens. Joanna and I covered the bottom of the chicken tractor with a metal fence to keep out raccoons and the like. Saturday Joanna rounded them up and brought them over, much to Emma's delight. Emma loves watching them and feeding them. This morning when Josh arrived to watch the kids, she immediately brought him over to show off the chickens. The chickens evidently had a pretty good move, as Emma found one egg from both of them yesterday. She fried one up and gobbled it up eagerly. I also managed to turn the all-wood Death Swing into a Padded Death Swing, affixing pipe insulation with pretty brass furniture nails. Sam and I did some Mythbuster-like tests where we swung it into each other without causing significant injury or discomfort. 