Duncan Birthday #2

July 20, 2014 by Adam in Duncan

Duncan had his second birthday this morning.  He and Joanna ran off to Voodoo Doughnuts and returned to supplement breakfast with their ill gotten booty.  Duncan was extremely excited to blow out his birthday doughnut and open everyone's presents.

Later tonight he's having a friend over for pizza and science shows.  His final birthday event involves flying across the country to party with the east coast crowd.  What a lucky boy.

Splash Birthday

July 13, 2014 by Adam in Duncan

Duncan had his first birthday party with his friends at Splash yesterday.  It was a pretty good crowd, with everyone swimming, chatting, and eating cake.  Joanna made an elaborate Pokemon cake, which everyone was impressed with.  Duncan ended up with a huge number of Pokemon cards, expanding his collection even more. 

Next weekend is his official birthday, where we'll have a party for him, my mom, and myself.  He's got another planned with his dad in Rochester when he arrives the weekend after that.  Birthdays tend to be long, drawn-out affairs, which I think the kids are completely okay with.  More presents.

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